RamblingCookieMonster / PSExcel

A simple Excel PowerShell module

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Cannot update column data in Excel file

Ntinsky opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone

I have an xls file which contains User data like Name,Surname.email,username,Password (These are the columns in order)

I wrote a script which is using the Import-Excel convert it to CSV and reads data which tried to match match t a user domain account.

Once the user matches it changes the domain user password and stores the password in an array:

$userDataArray += [PSCustomObject]@{ Password = $password }

So far i can update the Password header in the CSV file with the $password

I am trying to do the same with the Excel file and update the appropriate Password column with $password using some code below without results. The 'Password' column remains empty so i don't know what am i missing here

The code

# Import Excel file
$originalExcel = Import-Excel -Path $sourcefile

# Update the "Password" column in the Excel file with the passwords from the array
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $originalExcel.Count; $i++) {
    $originalExcel[$i]."Password" = $passwordArray[$i]

# Export the updated CSV file
$originalExcel | Export-Excel -Path $sourcefile -NoHeader -AutoSize -ClearSheet -PassThru