RailsApps / rails-stripe-membership-saas

An example Rails 4.2 app with Stripe and the Payola gem for a membership or subscription site.

Home Page:http://railsapps.github.io/rails-stripe-membership-saas

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update required for Gibbon 2.0

DanielKehoe opened this issue · comments

Gibbon 2.0.0 was released July 29, 2015.

When you run bundle install or bundle update the newest Gibbon 2.0 gem will be installed and the application will error with

NameError: uninitialized constant Gibbon::API

Either change the Gemfile and specify

gem 'gibbon',  '~>1.2.0'

or update the code that uses Gibbon.

See amro/gibbon#131