RailsApps / rails-stripe-membership-saas

An example Rails 4.2 app with Stripe and the Payola gem for a membership or subscription site.

Home Page:http://railsapps.github.io/rails-stripe-membership-saas

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Seed Subscription Plans Error

joesaundersak opened this issue · comments

I was getting errors at this step and discovered that the interval should be 'month' not 'monthly'...
Here's the code I'm referring to in the Seed Subscription Plans section:
s1 = Plan.new(name:'Silver', stripe_id:'silver', interval:'monthly', amount: 900)

To get it to work, I had to change it to:
s1 = Plan.new(name:'Silver', stripe_id:'silver', interval:'month', amount: 900)

Thank you for catching that. That's an error in the tutorial. It's correct in the application code. I'll make the correction in the next revision of the tutorial.