RTBlanco / Pollster

this is poll website from TravisMedia Django tutorial

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is poll website from TravisMedia Django tutorial


  • MVT -> (Model, View, Template). Similar to MVC (Model, View, Control) found in rails. The most notable difference that in Django's View acts more like the rails' controler and the Django's Template acts more like rails' Views

Django Crash Course Commands

# Install pipenv
pip install pipenv
# Create Venv
pipenv shell
# Install Django
pipenv install django
# Create project
django-admin startproject pollster
cd pollster
# Run server on http: (ctrl+c to stop)
python manage.py runserver
# Run initial migrations
python manage.py migrate
# Create polls app
python manage.py startapp polls
# Create polls migrations
python manage.py makemigrations polls
# Run migrations
python manage.py migrate
# Using the shell
python manage.py shell

>>>  from polls.models import Question, Choice
>>>  from django.utils import timezone
>>>  Question.objects.all()
>>>  q = Question(question_text="What is your favorite Python Framework?", pub_date=timezone.now())
>>>  q.save()
>>>  q.id
>>>  q.question_text
>>>  Question.objects.all()
>>>  Question.objects.filter(id=1)
>>>  Question.objects.get(pk=1)
>>>  q = Question.objects.get(pk=1)
>>>  q.choice_set.all()
>>>  q.choice_set.create(choice_text='Django', votes=0)
>>>  q.choice_set.create(choice_text='Flask', votes=0)
>>>  q.choice_set.create(choice_text='Flask', votes=0)
>>>  q.choice_set.all()
>>>  quit()
# Create admin user
python manage.py createsuperuser
# Create pages app
python manage.py startapp pages


this is poll website from TravisMedia Django tutorial


Language:Python 76.7%Language:HTML 23.3%