ROCm / Tensile

Stretching GPU performance for GEMMs and tensor contractions.

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NoCI still triggers CI

solaslin opened this issue · comments


As title, even a draft PR + NoCI still triggers CI. Is this expected ?

According to the internal doc, the NoCI tag still triggers CI but should be aborted immediately. Since all jobs marked "NoCI" are still running as if it's completely normal, no I am not seeing this as an expected behavior

We use the noCI label for PRs which do not require unit tests of libraries, such as documentation-only changes. However, right now, the CI system marks noCI tests as having "failed" the tests required for PR merging, so it sort of defeats the purpose of the noCI label.

The goal was to mark the tests as aborted and not impact PRs. It appears that this is not working as well as intended. @eidenyoshida and I will take a look.

I am looking at extending the integration CI pipeline in PR #1146 to do a full validation of all Tensile-generated kernels in rocBLAS. As the full validation shouldn't be done as often, I have an interest in seeing this work

Looks like someone edited the original 'noCI' label in Tensile GitHub to become 'NoCI'. math-CI was looking for an exact match but I have put in a PR into rocJenkins to allow for case insensitive match. Should be fixed shortly. Thanks


If the current match pattern looks like ^(?!.*noCI).*$, maybe changing it to ^(?!.*[Nn][Oo][Cc][Ii]).*$ would enable case-insensitive match?

@eidenyoshida fixed the code to be case insenstive. This issue shouldn't occur again.