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[Issue]: ROCM5.7.3, RCCL2.19.4 GPU kernel can't printf。 Hash value collision detected

yangyangv8 opened this issue · comments

Problem Description

In the rccl file prims_simple.h,I have added a section of printf in this kernel function, such as :

device forceinline void genericOp(
intptr_t srcIx, intptr_t dstIx, int nelem, bool postOp
) {
constexpr int DirectRecv = /1 &&/ Direct && DirectRecv1;
constexpr int DirectSend = /1 &&/ Direct && DirectSend1;
constexpr int Src = SrcBuf != -1;
constexpr int Dst = DstBuf != -1;
nelem = nelem < 0 ? 0 : nelem;
int sliceSize = stepSizeStepPerSlice;
sliceSize = max(divUp(nelem, 16
SlicePerChunk)*16, sliceSize/32);
int slice = 0;
int offset = 0;
if(tid == 0) {
printf("in genericOp \n");

when i run rccl test, Use this command ./build/sendrecv_perf -b 8 -e 128M -f 2 -t 1 -g 2,will report this error: Current function: ncclLaunchKernel line 1090
:1:rocvirtual.cpp :2945: 74877529363 us: [pid:44406 tid:0x7f26f4922c00] Pcie atomics not enabled, hostcall not supported
:1:rocvirtual.cpp :3280: 74877529375 us: [pid:44406 tid:0x7f26f4922c00] AQL dispatch failed!
yz-adm3: Test NCCL failure /home/yang.yang/yy/work/test-rccl/build/src/hipify/ 'unhandled cuda error (run with NCCL_DEBUG=INFO for details) / '

After seeing the explanation here, I have added the following settings in the RCCL CMakelists.txt file :

target_compile_options(rccl PRIVATE -mprintf-kind=buffered)

-Wall -mprintf-kind=buffered -g -Wno-unused-function -Wno-sign-compare -std=c++11 -Wvla

After compiling RCCL, reported this error : Current function: ncclLaunchKernel line 1090
:1:devhcprintf.cpp :265 : 81559524344 us: [pid:65800 tid:0x7f0d2c53d440] Hash value collision detected, printf buffer ill formed
:1:rocvirtual.cpp :3188: 81559524353 us: [pid:65800 tid:0x7f0d2c53d440]
Could not print data from the printf buffer!
:1:rocvirtual.cpp :3280: 81559524355 us: [pid:65800 tid:0x7f0d2c53d440] AQL dispatch failed!
:1:devhcprintf.cpp :265 : 81559524402 us: [pid:65799 tid:0x7ff8fd860440] Hash value collision detected, printf buffer ill formed
:1:rocvirtual.cpp :3188: 81559524410 us: [pid:65799 tid:0x7ff8fd860440]
Could not print data from the printf buffer!
:1:rocvirtual.cpp :3280: 81559524416 us: [pid:65799 tid:0x7ff8fd860440] AQL dispatch failed!
[rank0]: RuntimeError: NCCL Error 1: unhandled cuda error (run with NCCL_DEBUG=INFO for details)
[rank1]: RuntimeError: NCCL Error 1: unhandled cuda error (run with NCCL_DEBUG=INFO for details)

I have set these environment variables
export AMD_LOG_LEVEL=1

Using a Linux server with two GPU cards, without printf, the program executes normally, How should I solve this problem?

Operating System

22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)


12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700


AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX

ROCm Version

ROCm 5.7.0

ROCm Component

HIP, HIPCC, rccl

Internal ticket has been created for investigation.

@nartmada Thanks, I hope to receive a response as soon as possible

@nartmada hello Is there any outcome to this issue now?

@yangyangv8 We are working on it.

RCCL version 2.19.4

@alexeykondrat @nartmada Hello, is there any outcome to this issue now?