RMPR / atbswp

A minimalist macro recorder

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Arch/Manjaro Linux, which packages to install (python3-tk python3-dev)

slrslr opened this issue · comments

  • [ x] I use the latest release of atbswp
  • [ x] The issue is not existing yet

Operating System

Manjaro Linux

Desktop Environment/Window Manager


Python version



I have ran README suggested installation commands:

git clone https://github.com/RMPR/atbswp.git && cd atbswp
python3 -m pip install pyautogui pynput --user
python3 atbswp/atbswp.py

"NOTE: You must install tkinter on Linux to use MouseInfo. Run the following: sudo apt-get install python3-tk python3-dev"

$ pamac search -a python-tk

python-tkfontchooser 2.0.2-1 AUR
python-tkfilebrowser 2.3.2-2 AUR
python-tkencfs-git 0.9.r8.g081e649-1 AUR
python-tkcolorpicker 2.1.3-1 AUR
python-tkcalendar 1.6.1-1 AUR

regarding python3-dev i have found “python-devtools” so i have tried to install only python-devtools (i do not know which *tk package is right one) and the result is “A failure occurred in check(). AssertionError

Please which packages i need to install on Arch/Manjaro? What to search in package manager?...

sudo pacman -S tk
worked, but it then "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wx'"

$ sudo pacman -Ss wx
extra/wxgtk-common [installed]
    Common libraries and headers for wxgtk2 and wxgtk3
extra/wxgtk2 [installed]
    GTK+2 implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI
extra/wxgtk3 [installed]
    GTK+3 implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI
extra/wxmaxima 21.01.0-1
    A wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima
community/awxkit 17.0.1-1
    cli client and python library for ansible awx (tower)
    Cross-platform GUI toolkit
    Classic wxWidgets GUI toolkit for Python
community/vbam-wx 2.1.4-3
    Nintendo GameBoy Advance emulator
community/wxsqlite3 4.6.4-1
    wxWidgets wrapper for SQLite3
community/wxsvg 1.5.22-2
    C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files

sudo pacman -S python-wxpython
installed "python-wxpython-"

and "python3 atbswp/atbswp.py" is now launching the app without problem. 👍

ANOTHER APPROACH is as mentioned, download latest *-linux file from https://github.com/RMPR/atbswp/releases/latest , set execute permission and it also launched without problem.