RMPR / atbswp

A minimalist macro recorder

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Speed replay

jetpack001 opened this issue · comments


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Ubuntu 18.04

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Gnome 3.28

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Everything works fine but i can't find out how to replay the capture at the same speed as i record, not faster.

Can give more details? What do you feel is faster: the mouse or the keyboard?

mouse, i use it for a game and every click has to be precise at a certain time but when it clicks its too fast and rutine fails

Turns out the granularity is something I defined as a constant in the code. in the next update I'll expose that setting to users. If you don't want to wait, you can modify in the source code directly. Relevant line

self.mouse_sensibility = 21

found the line but i don't know what value should i put to be fine, kinda newbie into that.

ok, ill try. thank you

Piggybacking off this, where would be the best place to write delays between key presses? I'm also trying to record exact timings.

Yes, that is correct. Currently, each keypress has a consistent delay in between and I'm trying to find a way to record the exact time in between them.

Okay, please create a new issue for this, feel free to add any other detail you might find relevant.

Hello RMPR,
First excellent work,

Second i have a question,
I want to make the playback faster, the mouse and keyboard, can you suggest me how to do it?

I undestand that in control play i have to change the value of the next line to have a faster mouse playback and the keyboard?

Line 121 in
self.mouse_sensibility = 21

Thanks in advance for your advice,
Have a nice day,

I undestand that in control play i have to change the value of the next line to have a faster mouse playback and the keyboard?

control.py Line 121 in self.mouse_sensibility = 21

increasing this value will make you have a faster mouse playback, for the keyboard it's a bit more complicated than that. If you don't want to fiddle with the code just for that, you can create an issue to expose this setting to end-users, I'll have a look when I'll have more bandwidth.

I changed the timeout = int(b - self.last_time) lines to cast to float() instead, as well as adding a pyautogui.PAUSE = 0 line after imports. Not perfect (I suspect due to some minor inaccuracies with Python's sleep function) but much more accurate in regards to recording proper delays between actions.

Seems like a good idea, I can definitely accept a PR about this.