RMPR / atbswp

A minimalist macro recorder

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Ubuntu running make == /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -o pipefail (x3) make: *** [Makefile:22: help] Error 2

wade-welles opened this issue · comments

/bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -o pipefail /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -o pipefail /bin/sh: 0: Illegal option -o pipefail make: *** [Makefile:22: help] Error 2

I have build essential and make installed. Its a fresh version of Lunar Lobster. Using Python3 obvio Python 3.11.2 but that clearly is not the problem. The problem is with the make file compatibility. So the problem is with shell/bash scripts in the make file so my version of python is irrelevant.

If I end up fixing it, I will close the issue and make a pull request.

The issue is in the Makefile indeed. I am using /bin/sh because on my development OS it's symlinked to bash. I guess on Lunar Lobster it should be symlinked to dash or something similar. I can accept a PR changing /bin/sh to /bin/bash that.