RGBz / schema-stumper

trivia game to learn your postgres db schema

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple quiz game that loads a database schema and sees if you can name all the fields for the tables.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Some of the Create React App things like tests are not fully implemented at this time.

How does it work?

It works by scanning a Postgres database for all of the tables and columns, caches this schema and starts a static web app quiz game based on this schema.

You configure the app via environment variables to point at a Postgres database.

When the app starts up it will try to connect to the DB and generate a static file to power the quiz game.

How to run it

You run the app by specifying some environment variables to connect to a Postgres database. The environment variables are:

  • DATABASE_HOST the address of the database. Defaults to
  • DATABASE_PORT the port for the database. Defaults to 5432
  • DATABASE_NAME the name of the database to connect to. Must be specified.
  • DATABASE_USER the user account to connect with. Defaults to postgres.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD the password to connect with. Must be specified.

So to run the game simply run npm start preceded by any environment variables that aren't already set in your shell.

e.g.: (this assumes the other required ENV variables are set...)

DATABASE_NAME=billing npm start

How to play

Running npm start (see above) with the proper DB connection info specified should open a browser pointed at localhost:3000.

Table List Screen

The first screen lists all of the tables from the database you configured.

For each table you'll either see a completion percentage or your best time (scores are stored to the browser's localStorage).

Clicking on a table name will take you to the Table Quiz Screen.

Table Quiz Screen

Here's where you can test your table knowledge! The quiz is to see if you know all the column names.

When you click START begin typing in the names of the columns and hit enter to submit them. Case matters! If the column exists you'll see it appear. If it doesn't exist, you'll see a red X. There are no penalties for wrong guesses, it's just feedback.

When you guess all the column names or run out of time, the quiz screen will close and you'll be taken back to the list screen to view your score (it's a little abrupt as currently implemented, but you'll get the idea).

Good Luck and have fun!


trivia game to learn your postgres db schema


Language:JavaScript 53.9%Language:TypeScript 34.6%Language:CSS 7.6%Language:HTML 3.9%