REhints / HexRaysCodeXplorer

Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ReconstructableType.h and ReconstructableType.cpp are missing from master

rossi9 opened this issue · comments

The files are missing from the master branch but are referenced in multiple files
including the .vcxproj file.

That is, of course, assuming the project is supposed to build off the master branch.
Just clone the master to some directory other than your regular development directory
and try to build.


I will fix it today, you right for dev purposes better to create a development branch. The VS project file outdated as well as makefile's, only source code changes pushed so far. Thank you for reporting this issue.

Hi Alex,
it seems MicrocodeExtractor.h and MicrocodeExtractor.cpp are missing too

hi all, yes I have the same problem for linux installation.
Missing files are :

  • MicrocodeExtractor.h and MicrocodeExtractor.cpp
  • ReconstructableType.h and ReconstructableType.cpp
  • reconstructed_place_t.h and reconstructed_place_t.cpp
    Thanks @matrosov

Thanks I will update makefile’s as well, currently was able to test only on win and forgot to update linux/osx build environment.
