RDBI / rdbi

rdbi is an attempt to rewrite the core of Ruby/DBI.

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execute leaks memory

Pistos opened this issue · comments

See minimal code example here. As the code loops, the process increases in memory usage.

prep_finalizer is subject to the usual failure of defining finalizers. it encloses the statement object that is supposed to finalize, and as such, prevents it from ever being collected.

Thanks for the insight, @raggi. I locally commented out the prep_finalizer line in rdbi-driver-postgresql, but it seems not to have helped in the case of the sample code.

Well, now you're not clearing the results at all, right?

Makes sense. So will it leak one way or another?

i.e. is this problem unsolveable within RDBI?

@Pistos it requires at minimum the implementat of pre_finalizer in rdbi to be fixed, but also the api to be changed, as the block isn't really all that suitable. The api should probably be something like:

   add_finalizer @pg_result, :clear

Without changing the API (but fixing the obvious bug in prep_finalizer) you would need to make a lambda factory in say a class method, something like:

  def self.finalize_result_proc(result)
    proc { result.clear }

and then consume that like:

  prep_finalizer &self.class.finalize_result_proc(@pg_result)

add_finalizer @pg_result, :clear

@raggi, yes an approach like this caps memory in @Pistos' example, if we also drop or WeakRef the open_statements tracking in RDBI::Database.

FWIW I'd be comfortable with an upon_finalization(obj, method, *other_args_to__send__) for anything that reasonably needs it: Database, Statement, and Cursor. API change, yes, but only for driver authors, and they have to touch their code anyway to avoid this leak.

Please see branch sth-leak, which addresses @Pistos' mem leak by:

  1. WeakRef'ing certain child handles here and there
  2. finalizer'ing Result's @data and secretly orphaned Statement objects from dbh.execute()

It requires the postgresql driver not to call prep_finalizer, for @raggi's cited reasons. This branch also addresses Issue #34 FWIW.

(dbh.open_statements should really be dropped; it's just not useful. We should think hard about whether we really want a last_statement/last_result member, and, if we do, whether we want to keep track of all child handles for all major objects.)

@pilcrow: So this requires a complementary change in rdbi-driver-postgresql? Thanks for fixing this, BTW!

So this requires a complementary change in rdbi-driver-postgresql?

@Pistos, they're a bit orthogonal, but both good ideas. Use of prep_finalizer() ironically prevents pg sth finalization, so commenting it out is necessary to prevent a leak of (libpq?) resources. (I'd guess the ruby libpq-bindings do finalization cleanup correctly.) Use of the current master branch implementation of dbh.execute() easily leaks all sth, so changing its behavior is necessary, too.

I want to make sure I'm right and then mail the list and other driver authors. (Sorry this is taking so long — I'm timesliced rather thinly lately.)

If there's anything I can help with, let me know. I'm willing to try experimimental branches on a system I have [which is using RDBI].

FWIW, this has been running in production for 10 days or so now, with no problems, and with nicely reduced memory leakage.


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Pistos notifications@github.com wrote:

FWIW, this has been running in production for 10 days or so now, with no
problems, and with nicely reduced memory leakage.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/33#issuecomment-14784484

@semmons99 will try to smoke rdbi-[oj]dbc in the short term...

@pilcrow: no problems with odbc/jdbc

Fixed in master / 1.1.0


So what about rdbi-driver-postgresql? Would something like this fix that side? It's what I've been using in production.

So what about rdbi-driver-postgresql? Would something like this fix that side? It's what I've been using in production.

I expect you can omit that entirely as long as your #finish() method clears the pg_result.