RDBI / rdbi-driver-postgresql

PostgreSQL database driver (DBD) for RDBI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pg dependency different

melkon opened this issue · comments


in the master's Rakefile, it's stated that pg >=0.10.0 is needed, although in the gemspec it's still =0.9.0.

What's correct?


I would ignore the specification in the gemspec. That was autogenerated some time ago. I use it with pg 0.11.x in development, myself.

Okay, thanks for the info.

The wrong gemspec created some difficulties in getting the correct dependencies set up using bundler. I forked the project and fixed a couple of things in the gemspec myself.

I hope the master of rdbi and the master of the postgresql-driver are working together without problems?

Anyway, that's a topic for another issue.

I'm certain they are working, at least as of a few weeks ago (when I made some commits). Here is the Gemfile I use locally:

# Use of Bundler is optional, but it's handy when hacking on RDBI and its drivers
source 'http://rubygems.org'

gem 'rake'
gem 'hoe'
# gem 'ruby-debug19'

gem 'pg'

# Pick one, depending on what you need while hacking:
# gem 'rdbi'
gem 'rdbi', :git => 'git@github.com:RDBI/rdbi.git'
# gem 'rdbi', :path => '../rdbi'

gem 'rdbi-dbrc'