RASSec / Subdomain-Enumaration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These are Subdomain Enumaration Tools that I use, Thanks to all the Authors for making things easy and make sure to comment down which tools you use for Subdomain Enumaration and your methodologies

  • Using jhaddix All.txt

    $ ffuf -w JHADDIX-ALL/all.txt -u "https://FUZZ.target.com/" -v | grep "| URL |" | awk '{print $4}'

  • Using Amass


    $ amass enum -d target.com -o target.com_amass.txt

  • Using Subbrute


    $ subbrute.py target.com -o target.com_Subbrute.txt

  • Using Sublist3r


    $ sublist3r.py -d target.com -o target.com_Sublist3r.txt

  • Filter the Valid Subdomains Found

    $ while read i; do digout=$(dig +short ${i//[$'\t\r\n ']}); if [[ ! -z $digout ]]; then echo ${i//[$'\t\r\n ']}; fi; done < target.com.txt > target.com_valid.txt

  • Python Script To Run All Tools In One Go By Me

    $ python sub3num.py target.com

    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    import sys
    domain = sys.argv[1]
    commands = ['findomain -t '+domain+' -o;subfinder -d '+domain+' -o '+domain+'_subfinder.txt ;assetfinder --subs-only '+domain+' >> '+domain+'_assetfinder.txt;amass enum -d '+domain+' -o '+domain+'_amass.txt ;python ~/Bug-Tools/subbrute/subbrute.py '+domain+' -o '+domain+'_subbrute.txt ;python ~/Bug-Tools/Sublist3r/sublist3r.py -d '+domain+' -o '+domain+'_sublist3r.txt ;cat *.txt | sort -u >> '+domain+'_final_domains.txt ;cat '+domain+'_final_domains.txt | httprobe | httpx | sort -u >> valid_subs.txt;']
    count = 0
    processes = []
    for com in commands:
        print "Start execute commands.."
        processes.append(Popen(com, shell=True))
        count += 1
        print "[OK] command "+str(count)+" running successfully."
        print "Finish.."
    for i, process in enumerate(processes):
        print "Command #{} finished".format(i)

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💬 Comment down which tools you use for Subdomain Enumaration and your methodologies Here 👇
