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Why rex_text for UILabel returns not optional string

Igor-Palaguta opened this issue · comments


UILabel has var text: String?

Why rex_text does not have MutableProperty<String?> type?
currently have to write in many places label.rex_text <~ optionalText.map { $0 ?? "" }


Good point, we would need to make a new major release for this change tho. 😕

We're still on 0.x releases so we can safely change this in 0.x+1 and be semver compliant.

I'm not a fan of this change, even when ignoring the compilation errors I now get everywhere, this feels like a step backwards away from the "Swift way".

I found the type being a non optional String a feature rather than a bug. When setting the text property there's no difference between nil or an empty String, both have the same result, being an empty UILabel. Hence MutableProperty<String> simplified the use. Now, when testing whether a UILabel is empty, we have to test whether the value is nil and whether it's an empty String.

Logically, an empty UILabel contains an empty String, the nil situation is/was an old Objective-C side-effect. Imho.

For instance a ViewModel exposes a username property of type MutableProperty<String>, this used to match with rex_text without having to add map's everywhere and manually handling the nil situation.

Update 8/1/16: Changed UITextField to UILabel which I had mixed up. Issue was about UILabel to start with.

@ynnckcmprnl we have tried to be coherent with what the different APIs expose and respect it. In this particular case, having a new look at it, I kinda agree with you. @dmcrodrigues what do you think?

@ynnckcmprnl thanks for your feedback and I agree in reverting this. To ground this decision there's a discussion in the documentation that clearly states:

This string is @"" by default.

I also have done a few tests and even when you clear a text field with a nil value you always receive an empty string while accessing text property.

@ynnckcmprnl are you interested in contributing this change?

Note however that UILabel, which was the issue stated here, should remain an optional string because it's nil by default as we can see in the documentation.

Darn, I seem to have mixed up UILabel & UITextField. My issue was indeed with UILabel though, the post should have said UILabel instead of UITextField. I'll update the post to prevent further confusion.

I still stand by my original opinion, but the documentation stating nil as default value does make it a hard sell.

Good catch regarding UITextField, the change to MutableProperty<String> should be inarguable.

@ynnckcmprnl I don't think we should change this for UILabel, the documentation clearly states that by default it's nil so it's not case where the API exposed is not coherent but a case where we are making an assumption.

One thing we can do to help with this change is cherry-picking the support for binding with optionals.

struct ViewModel {
    let name: MutableProperty<String>

// This will be possible without any mapping
nameLabel.rex_text <~ viewModel.name

This will help? @RuiAAPeres what do you think about this?

@dmcrodrigues That would be exactly what I need.

I wish that was included in RAC 4.x but unfortunately it will become available only in RAC5. Until then, I think we can provide it through Rex but I'll ask the opinion of @neilpa and @RuiAAPeres about this.

@ynnckcmprnl kinda wasted effort to add this to Rex and just remove it again later on. It might be preferable to add this on your own codebase as a small extension and remove it, once you adopt RAC5.