Quramy / tsuquyomi

A Vim plugin for TypeScript

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Go to definition not working (<C-]>) on MacVim

lihiwish opened this issue · comments

I'm using MacVim. When I try to use <C-]> I get this error:

Error detected while processing function tsuquyomi#definition[1]..tsuquyomi#gotoDefinition:
line   22:
E37: No write since last change (add ! to override)

Both :TsuquyomiDefinition and :TsuDefinition return the same error

I first thought it might be related to ctags file not being generated, but all references commands does work (for example :TsuReferences does list a list of the references).

I've added

let g:tsuquyomi_debug = 1
let g:tsuquyomi_tsserver_debug = 1

To my vimrc, but I didn't got any additional logs.
