Quramy / tsuquyomi

A Vim plugin for TypeScript

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tsuquyomi is not enabled for TS files with JSX in vim 8.2

willdurand opened this issue · comments

In vim 8.2, a new built-in filetype for TypeScript files has been added according to this issue: vim/vim#4830. The new file type is typescriptreact.

Files previously detected as typescript are now detected as typescriptreact. This causes the tsuquyomi plugin to remain disabled when editing a file in a react-based project (for instance).

My current workaround is to force the filetype to be set to typescript:

" ftplugin/typescriptreact.vim
" This is needed because tsuquyomi does not seem to support the
" `typescriptreact` filetype.
set ft=typescript

That being said, this is a workaround and it'd be nice if this plugin could support the new filetype.

I'm experiencing this as well. I currently have to set my .tsx files to a filetype of javascript or my syntax highlighting mostly disappears in .tsx files. This leads to Tsu commands not working until I run :set ft=typescript, and then I immediately run set ft=javascript again to get sort of decent syntax highlighting. The syntax highlighting is a totally different issue, but combined with this it creates some real issues for me.

I can confirm it's quite annoying

For a full workaround I personnally added in my .vimrc.

augroup typescriptreact                                                          
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsx   set filetype=typescript                     
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsx   set filetype=javascript                     
augroup END

I’ve been using your script all day @Narsil! It’s a great temporary fix and has definitely saved me some time today.

Thanks for the config @Narsil! I still had a few extra difficulties with syntax highlighting and type checking, specifically when switching between .tsx and .ts files, so in case anyone else is having issues, this worked better for me:

augroup typescript
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsx   set filetype=typescript
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsx   set syntax=typescriptreact
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ts   set filetype=typescript
  autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ts   set syntax=javascript
augroup END

Note: I'm using leafgarland/typescript-vim for syntax highlighting so if you're using something else, it might behave differently.