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Preview window is not closed after accepting complete option

PetarMetodiev opened this issue · comments

When completion menu is shown, a Scratch buffer is opened to show call signature. The problem is that it persists after accepting an option and has to be closed manually, any of these methods do it

Is there a way to disable this buffer from showing up or at least close upon accepting a complete option. This wasn't an issue until latest updates.

In my .vimrc I have set completeopt+=menu.

This doesn't seem to help.

I had the same problem, I was using SuperTab to get the menu to pop using the tab key, turns out I needed to add this property to my .vimrc to get SuperTab to close my menu for me. Are you also using SuperTab?

let g:SuperTabClosePreviewOnPopupClose = 1

Source: https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/4056/is-there-an-easy-way-to-close-a-scratch-buffer-preview-window/6850#6850?newreg=05b44abef1f545aa9cd0592b55e0cf37