QuickBirdEng / opencv-android

Easy way to integrate OpenCv into your Android project via Gradle

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Request: C++ header files

Nunocky opened this issue · comments

I have been using OpenCV that I built myself, but after finding this project, I would like to use this library.

My code to access OpenCV is written in C++, so I need those header files, but unfortunately this library doesn't provide them.

For example, https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/ includes C++ headers in aar.

Would you consider including the C++ header files in aar?

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Sorry to get back to you so late. Are you using JNI wrappers to access the C++ code in your Android/Java program?

I'm using the JNI so file by linking it, but I call the C++ API that exists underlying it. I have confirmed that this is possible with the version 4.1.2 that I built.

The original C++ code was built for Windows + OpenCV 4.1.0 (including contrib), but I was unable to build that version for Android.

That's the reason why I thought it would be useful to have C++ header files included in this project.

I use NativeBundle to link to the shared library and to reference its header files in the AAR.
-> https://github.com/howardpang/androidNativeBundle


The issue that I see here is that you might have issues linking if you just reference the header files. I think a better solution would be to build opencv from source.


@Nunocky Were you able to resolve the issue?

Sorry for the late reply. I' m okay with the problem being solved. Thank you very much.