QuantumLeaps / qtools

QTools collection of open source tools for embedded systems development on Windows, Linux and MacOS

Home Page:https://www.state-machine.com/qtools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

QTools Collection

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View QTools Revision History at: https://www.state-machine.com/qtools/history.html


The offline HTML documentation for this particular version of QTools is located in the folder html/. To view the offline documentation, open the file html/index.html in your web browser.

The online HTML documention for the latest version of QTools is located at: https://www.state-machine.com/qtools/

About QTools

QTools is a collection of various open source tools for working with the QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks (RTEFs) on desktop platforms, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The following open-source tools are currently provided (NOTE: tools starting with 'q' are contributed by Quantum Leaps)

  1. qspy - host application for receiving and displaying the real-time data from embedded targets running the QS software tracing.

  2. qutest - Python extension of the QSPY host application for uint testing specifically designed for embedded systems, but also supports unit testing of embedded code on host computers ("dual targeting").

  3. qview - Python extension of the QSPY host application for visualization and monitoring of the QS real-time tracing data from embedded targets at real-time. QView enables developers to quickly build both GUI-based and "headless" scripts for their specific applications.

  4. qwin - QWIN GUI toolkit for prototyping embedded systems on Windows in the C programming language. QWIN allows you to build realistic embedded front panels consisting of LCD displays (both graphical and segmented), buttons, and LEDs. QWIN is based on the Win32 API.

  5. qcalc - programmer's calculator specifically designed for embedded systems programmers.

  6. qclean - for cleanup of white space (tabs, trailing spaces, end-of-line) in source code files

  7. qfsgen - for generating ROM-based file systems to be used in embedded web pages served by the HTTP server

  8. Unity - traditional unit testing harness (framework) for embedded C (version 2.5.2)

Additionally, QTools for Windows contains the following open-source, 3rd-party tools:

  1. GNU-make for Windows (32-bit version 4.2.1)

  2. cmake for Windows (version 3.29.0-rc1)

  3. ninja for Windows (version 1.11.1)

  4. LMFlash for Windows (32-bit build 1613)

Additionally, the QTools directory in the QP-bundle contains the following 3rd-party tools:

  1. GNU C/C++ toolset for Windows (MinGW 32-bit version 9.2.0)

  2. GNU C/C++ toolset for ARM-EABI (GCC version 10.3-2021.10)

  3. Python for Windows (version 3.10 32-bit)

Downloading and Installation

The most recommended way of obtaining QTools is by downloading the QP-bundle, which includes QTools and also all QP frameworks and the QM modeling tool. The main advantage of obtaining QTools bundled together like that is that you get all components, tools and examples ready to go.

NOTE: QP-bundle is the most recommended way of downloading and installing QTools. However, if you are allergic to installers and GUIs or don't have administrator privileges you can also download and install QM separately as described below.

Alternatively, you can download QTools separately as described below:

QTools on Windows

On Windows, installation of QTools consists of unzipping the qtools-windows_<ver>.zip archive into a directory of your choice, although the recommended default is C:\qp.

After unzipping the archive, you need to add the following directories to the PATH:

  • \qtools\bin
  • \qtools\mingw32\bin

Also, to use the QUTest unit testing you need to define the environment variable QTOOLS to point to the installation directory of QTools.

QTools on Linux/macOS

On Linux/MacOS, installation of QTools consists of unzipping the qtools-posix_<ver>.zip archive into a directory of your choice, although the recommended default is ~/qp.

NOTE: To use the QTools, you first need to build the tools on your machine.

For example, to build the QSPY host application, you need to go to the directory qtools/qspy/posix and type make to build the executable. The provided Makefile will automatically copy the qspy executable to the qtools/bin directory.

Simiarly, you need to build the QCLEAN and QFSGEN utilities.

NOTE: To use the QUTest unit testing you need to define the environment variable QTOOLS to point to the installation directory of QTools.

Build using cmake

With the right set of C compilation tools on your Windows or Linux computer, you can build the tools by yourself.

On a MS-Windows machine a setup with MSys/MinGW64 is recommended to perform the build. With this environment you will still be able to generate MS-Windows executable applications. Another alternative would be to install MS Visual Studio. CMake is also able to generate build systems for this development environment. This however will not be a topic of this discussion. Please see the CMake Documentation for further details. Especially refer to the section on cmake generators.

An appropriate CMakeLists.txt file together with a cmake presets file is provided with this source code package.

From within the qtools directory you may use cmake to build and install the 3 tools. For this you need the following in addition to the tools mentioned above

  1. CMake - build system generator (cmake features)

  2. Ninja - small build system with a focus on speed

To build with cmake

  1. From within the qtools directory do cmake --preset qtools
  2. Then build with
    • cmake --build --preset qtools to build all tools at once or
    • cmake --build --preset qtools --target <tool> with tool being qclean, qfsgen or qspy
    • to build the Debug configuration use cmake --build --preset qtools --config Debug
    • Release is the default configuration, if you don't specify a desired config
  3. The binaries are created in the .../qtools/build/<config> directory
  4. To install
    • Build the qtools preset then
    • call cmake --install build [--config <config>]
    • The default installation location would be /usr/local/bin on a Linux machine or within a MinGW environment on a Windows machine.
    • add --prefix <directory> to the installation command line to select a different installation destination. E.g. cmake --install build --prefix /usr will install the built applications from the Release configuration into /usr/bin. On a Linux machine you might need to use sudo to raise your access rights in order to install into system directories.


The various Licenses for distributed components are located in the LICENSES/ sub-directory of this QTools distribution.

Most tools included in this collection are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The text of GPL version 2 is included in the file GPL-2.0-or-later.txt in the LICENSES/ sub-directory.

Some of the tools are distributed under the terms of the MIT open source license. The complete text of the MIT license is included in the comments and also in the file LICENSE-MIT.txt in the LICENSES/ sub-directory.

The Python package is distributed under the terms of the PYTHON LICENSE AGREEMENT, included in the file LICENSE-Python.txt in the LICENSES/ sub-directory.

The LMFlash utility for Windows is is distributed under the terms of the LMFlash license, included in the file LICENSE-LMFlash.txt in the LICENSES/ sub-directory. Specifically, the LMFlash utility is distributed according to Section 2a "Demonstration License".

Source Code

In compliance with GPL, this distribution contains the source code for the utilities contributed by Quantum Leaps in the <qtools>\source subdirectory, except for the QSPY source code, which is provided in the <qtools>\qspy\source directory. All tools with names starting with 'q' have been developed and are copyrighted by Quantum Leaps.

The GCC C and C++ compilers for Windows

Have been taken from the MSYS2 project at

The installer mingw-get-setup.exe has been used and after the installation, the files have been pruned to reduce the size of the distribution. Please refer to the MinGW project for the source code.

The GNU-ARM Embedded Toolchain for Windows

Have been takend from:

The installer gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major-win32-sha1.exe has been used. (Version 8-2018-q4-major Released: December 20, 2018)

The GNU make executable for Windows

Has been taken from the MinGW project at SourceForge.net:

The UNIX file and directory utilities

Have been taken from the Gow (Gnu On Windows) project at GitHub:

The Unity Unit Testing Harness for Embedded C

Has been taken from the GitHub at:

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QTools collection of open source tools for embedded systems development on Windows, Linux and MacOS




Language:C 74.1%Language:Python 14.9%Language:Makefile 3.9%Language:C++ 2.6%Language:Assembly 2.4%Language:MATLAB 1.1%Language:Batchfile 0.6%Language:CMake 0.3%