QuanergySystems / quanergy_client_ros

Quanergy ROS driver sample source

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catkin_make giving errors

shobhitjdpsr opened this issue · comments

I followed all steps given in readme for ubuntu 16 (https://github.com/QuanergySystems/quanergy_client_ros/blob/master/readme/ubuntu1604.md) till catkin_make.

But it is giving error, please see screenshot.


It looks like QuanergyClient may not have been installed properly. Can you verify that you built QuanergyClient per the readme there (https://github.com/QuanergySystems/quanergy_client/blob/master/readme/ubuntu1604.md) before trying to build QuanergyClientRos?

If so, please verify that you ran the sudo make install command as called out at the beginning of the QuanergyClientRos readme.

If any of these steps were missed, you shouldn't need to completely start over (uninstall and remove components) but you may need to run catkin_make clean on QuanergyClientRos.

Hi I am attaching screenshot of Quanergy client being tried to be made from starting. Please see, I am getting following errors, I am attaching screenshot:_


@rossctaylor I checked my terminal history and realized that earlier also while doing make, I was getting the same error. SO yes, it is qguard_client which is making ROS throw this error.

What else can be done?

It seems like openni didn't get installed which is strange because it is a dependency of libpcl-dev. Did you run this line from the QuanergyClient readme?: sudo apt-get install cmake git build-essential libboost-all-dev libpcl-dev libproj-dev libvtk6-dev

Either way, it would be good to try it again to see if it resolves the issue. If that installs openni and you still have issues, you might want to delete the build folder and try again.

I did try running that see I get this when I try running it again:

After deleting build and making it again, I am getting similar error:_

Hmmm...let's try installing libopenni-dev directly: sudo apt-get install libopenni-dev

Hopefully, CMake will find it afterwords.

It doesnt work even after installing manually, it seems that it is already installed and there is some other issue

Sorry...inadvertent close....

Looking more closely at your cmake error, it is missing libopenni2. Please try: sudo apt-get install libopenni2-dev

Unfortunately, I'm not able to duplicate this issue, even without libopenni2 so I can't be sure that will fix it.

@rossctaylor :- Even after trying this - sudo apt-get install libopenni2-dev , I am getting the same error.

What else can be tried in your opinion?

@rossctaylor What else can be tried for the same?

To wrap this up...the problem was that g++ 4.9 was being used. Upgrading to 5.x fixed the issue.