QuanergySystems / quanergy_client_ros

Quanergy ROS driver sample source

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Return data

HaroldMurcia opened this issue · comments

We are interested in to know xyzi and return "r" of each obtained point; however point cloud does not have information about return; information is just used to filter data. ¿how can I add the information to the data sent to ROS client?

Hi @HaroldMurcia - sorry I missed your question previously.

We don't have this type of output right now but there are a couple ways you could get this information:

  • If you choose the "all_separate_topics" option, you get a separate point cloud for each return which could then be combined however you like and the return information could be kept.
  • You could do something similar with the "all" option but you'd probably want to do it in the quanergy_client library. We use a PCL XYZIR data structure, where R is ring. You could just replace the ring value with return but if you want both, it would require quite a bit more work. Probably, the easiest way to do the replacement would be to assign hvdir.ring to the appropriate ring value in each of the if statements here.

Hope this helps.