Qrzy / bgg-xml-api-client

A simple library providing functions that return requested BGG data as JSON object.

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Error Handling for Collections Method

JGSolutions opened this issue · comments

How to we handle errors statuses for getBggCollection() method? This is what happens from their documentation.

Note that you should check the response status code... if it's 202 (vs. 200) then it indicates BGG has queued your request and you need to keep retrying (hopefully w/some delay between tries) until the status is not 202.

I added a try catch error but i get no statuses

The error message i get 'Max reties reach!'

Hi, it's already there, this package internally performsup to 10 requests with 5s delay between them. In case it still does not succeed, an error is thrown.

Can we control the delay? the problem is that when i make the request it BGG sets it in a queue which can take more than a minute

That's something I am working on currently.

This lib was mainly done for my personal purposes and is still getting major rewrites. :)

thanks will try :}

works great!

Can I set this settings for getBggThing method? We are allowed to send a string of ids for example: 1,2,3,4 etc. What happens if I send them 1000 ids?

Yes, as mentioned in README, every wrapper accepts those timeout/retry options as well. ;)

When it comes to the other question... Well, that you need to figure out on your own or ask in BGG forums. :)