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LeetcodeSQL Summarize

  • Ranking Problem: 排名函数必须有包含 ORDER BY 的 OVER 语句。

    • ROW_NUMBER()
      • Get a unique sequential number for each row in the specified data
      • By default, it sorts the data in ascending order and starts assigning ranks for each row. -select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by column_name desc) as row_num from table_name
    • RANK()
      • Specify rank for each row in the result set对查询出来的记录进行排名
      • select RANK() OVER(order by column_name) as rank from tablename
      • Rank函数考虑到了over子句中排序字段值相同的情况
      • DENSE_RANK()
        • Specify a unique rank number within the partition as per the specified column value.
        • If we have duplicate values,SQL assigns different ranks to those rows as well.dense_rank函数在生成序号时是连续的,dense_rank函数出现相同排名时,将不跳过相同排名号
        • select DENSE_RANK() OVER(order by column_name) as den_rank from tablename
    • NTILE()
      • Distribute the number of rows in the specified (N) number of groups.Specify the value for the desired number of groups.
      • select NTILE(4) OVER(order by columnname desc) as ntile from tablename
      • 对序号进行分组处理,将有序分区中的行分发到指定数目的组中
  • Consecutive Problems

    • LAG()
      • Access to a value stored in a different row above the current row.
      • lead(expr, offset, default) Over(Order by columnname) ,default values: offset = 1, default = NULL
      • SELECT seller_name, sale_value, LAG(sale_value) OVER(ORDER BY sale_value) as previous_sale_value FROM sale;
    • LEAD()
      • Accesses a value stored in a row below.
      • SELECT seller_name, sale_value, LEAD(sale_value) OVER(ORDER BY sale_value) as next_sale_value FROM sale;
      • We can also use lag and lead for comparing differences
  • Datetime

    • https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-convert-date-functions-and-formats/
    • Datediff(string enddate,string startdate) 日期比较函数:结束日期-开始日期
    • Weekofyear(string date) 日期转周数:得出日期在当前的周数
    • Date_add(string startdate, int days) & Date_sub(string startdate, int days) 得到开始日期后增加/减少的日期
    • year(string date) month(string date) day(string date) hour(string date) minute(string date) second(string date) 返回日期中的年/月/日/小时/秒
  • Distribution Functions

    • percent_rank() over (order by columnname)
      • the percentile ranking number of a row—a value in [0, 1] interval: (rank-1) / (total number of rows - 1)
      • cume_dist() over (order by columnname)
      • the cumulative distribution of a value within a group of values
  • Logical Order in Operations - Select,From, Where, Group by, Having, Order By, Limit

  • Convert data format

    • CAST
      • CAST ( expression AS data_type [ ( length ) ] )
    • Convert
      • CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )



Language:TSQL 100.0%