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[UI-Shell] axe landmark-contentinfo-is-top-level failure

yoshiemuranaka opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce the problem

In platypus ui-shell integration PR, remove disabled rule and run npm run test and see failures.

Rule link

Changing the sidenav social icon <footer> to a regular <div> will resolve the problem

1 accessibility violation was detected
  id: 'landmark-contentinfo-is-top-level',
  impact: 'moderate',
  tags: [ 'cat.semantics', 'best-practice' ],
  description: 'Ensures the contentinfo landmark is at top level',
  help: 'Contentinfo landmark should not be contained in another landmark',
  helpUrl: 'https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.4/landmark-contentinfo-is-top-level?application=axeAPI',
  nodes: [
      any: [Array],
      all: [],
      none: [],
      impact: 'moderate',
      html: '<footer class="qiskit-side-nav-footer">',
      target: [Array],
      failureSummary: 'Fix any of the following:\n' +
        '  The null landmark is contained in another landmark.'
 (index)                  id                     impact                       description                      nodes 
    0     'landmark-contentinfo-is-top-level'  'moderate'  'Ensures the contentinfo landmark is at top level'    1   
    1) has no detectable violations on load

  0 passing (9s)
  1 failing

  1) Accessibility
       has no detectable violations on load:
     AssertionError: 1 accessibility violation was detected: expected 1 to equal 0
      at Context.eval (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/support/index.js:797:20)

What is the current behavior?

Running platypus cypress tests fails accessibility spec with new ui-header component

What is the expected behavior?

The existing a11y tests should pass


Accessibility -- has no detectable violations on load (failed)


No response


No response


No response

Additional information

Changing the sidenav social icon <footer> to a regular <div> will resolve the problem