QiMa / Cocos2dWindows

Cocos2d-x for Windows Phone, built using C++

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Pressing back button on any windows phone 8 device at any scene closes application

saudahmed opened this issue · comments

I believe backKeyPressed() is not implemented

Thank you for your attention to the engine, and your problem is solved as follows:

First, in the AppDelegate.h ,replace "virtual void deviceBackBttonPressed(Platform::Object^ sender, BackPressedEventArgs^ args){};" for "virtual void deviceBackBttonPressed (Platform :: Object ^ sender, BackPressedEventArgs ^ args);".

Then, add the function body in AppDelegate.cpp as follows:
void AppDelegate :: deviceBackBttonPressed (Platform :: Object ^ sender, BackPressedEventArgs ^ args)
args-> Handled = true ;/ / to false when press the return key will exit, true not quit.

CCLOG ("Back Button Pressed ...");

backKeyPressed have changed to deviceBackBttonPressed in latest version.