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groq rate limit by api

Soundmovin46 opened this issue · comments


VisualStudio Code extension

Operating System

Windows 11

What happened?

i get this after a couple lines of code
how do i stop getting this erorr

Rate limited by the API (we're over 'tokens per minute' or 'requests per minute' limit)
Retrying in 20.387 second(s)... with extra buffer of: 20.0 second(s)

more info about groq User
We set the following x-ratelimit headers to inform you on current rate limits applicable to the API key and associated organization.

The following headers are set (values are illustrative):

Header Value Notes
retry-after 2 In seconds
x-ratelimit-limit-requests 14400 Always refers to Requests Per Day (RPD)
x-ratelimit-limit-tokens 18000 Always refers to Tokens Per Minute (TPM)
x-ratelimit-remaining-requests 14370 Always refers to Requests Per Day (RPD)
x-ratelimit-remaining-tokens 17997 Always refers to Tokens Per Minute (TPM)
x-ratelimit-reset-requests 2m59.56s Always refers to Requests Per Day (RPD)
x-ratelimit-reset-tokens 7.66s Always refers to Tokens Per Minute (TPM)

When the rate limit is reached we return a 429 Too Many Requests HTTP status code.

Note, retry-after is only set if you hit the rate limit and status code 429 is returned. The other headers are always included.

Your'e getting rate limited. Seems like this is intentional.

rate limited is intentional. Its not a bug.