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JSD loss implementation does not seem to match the formula in your paper

mahdi7 opened this issue · comments

I am having trouble figuring out how the following implementation matches the softplus version of JSD described in equation (4) of Appendix F of your paper. I would really appreciate if you can provide any clarification.

def compute(self, anchor, sample, pos_mask, neg_mask, *args, **kwargs):
        num_neg =
        num_pos =
        similarity = self.discriminator(anchor, sample)'

        E_pos = (np.log(2) - F.softplus(- similarity * pos_mask)).sum()
        E_pos /= num_pos

        neg_sim = similarity * neg_mask
        E_neg = (F.softplus(- neg_sim) + neg_sim - np.log(2)).sum()
        E_neg /= num_neg

        return E_neg - E_pos


Any comment or response on this issue?