PyFilesystem / pyfilesystem2

Python's Filesystem abstraction layer

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ntarocco opened this issue · comments


Are you still maintaining this project? Is it something that we can rely on when building products?


Looks bad :( - the last commit was almost a year ago and the tests don't run against 3.12 even though there's a PR which apparently fixes it.

Yeah to be honest I'm migrating my projects away from pyfilesystem. Nowadays I mount remote filesystems locally and handle them with the standard library. For tests I migrated to pyfakefs instead of using MemoryFS.

@tfeldmann I'm mainly interested in MemoryFs for creating temporary files, packaging files and reducing disk i/o for applications. I wonder if pyfakefs can be used as a regular lib outside of pytest.

I'm using it only with pytest at the moment. But something like this could work:

from pathlib import Path

from pyfakefs.fake_filesystem_unittest import patchfs

def sometempstuff(fs):
    path = Path("./testfile.txt")
    path.write_text("Hello World")
    return (path.read_text(), path.stat().st_size)

text, size = sometempstuff()
print(f"{text}: {size}")
print(f"Exists in real FS: {Path('./testfile.txt').exists()}")

As I understand you need to be careful where you create the Path objects as you will either get a pathlib.Path or a FakePathlibModule.Path. This applies not only to pathlib but pretty much the entire python stdlib.

@tfeldmann Thank you for the example, I will give it a try.

I also considered forking just the MemoryFS into a separate library, overall this package still works is just that there hasn't been any activity in 1 year, and several PR's ready to be merged