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Setuptools "unsafe" as install dependency

prescod opened this issue · comments

I'm working near the limits of my knowledge of Python packaging so please be patient.

If I build a project based on "fs", and have "fs" in my "" file, pip-tools will complain when I try to generate requirements.txt.

# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:

I can also reproduce this by running pip-compile in the setuptools root directory itself.

The exact reason that this is considered unsafe is slightly unclear, but there is also a CVE that mentions setuptools. That causes my company's scanning tools to also complain about setuptools due to the complaint called sonatype-2014-0148. Which is more or less this issue:


Which was never resolved to Sonatype's satisfaction.

Typically, Setuptools is not an install-time requirement of Python packages. Is there a reason it must be an insall-time requirement for 'fs'?

Installation, no, but setup, yes. You need something like setuptools or poetry to read setup.cfg to get out the installation requirements, unpack metadata, etc.

@willmcgugan or @althonos considering how long ago setuptools 38.3.0 was released (January 2018) we can probably remove that constraint in the setup.cfg file, and that may fix the issue.

Oh I definitely did not see it in the install_requires part. Sorry about that.

This is just a guess, but perhaps it's related to this ? 🤷

Basically, the reason it appears twice is because we need it on both stages:

  • when building the wheel, you need setuptools >=38 because it's the minimum version that supports reading metadata from setup.cfg files.
  • when using the library, because the extensions (fs.sshfs, etc.) are loaded as entry points. This part could be replaced by a more up-to-date solution like importlib.metadata I guess.

I'm feeling like this shouldn't be a security issue because we specify a minimum version, not a mandatory one. Sure, the minimum one has a CVE, but you should use the latest setuptools available for the Python version you're using I suppose.