Purfview / IMDb-Scout-Mod

Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads

Home Page:https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407284-imdb-scout-mod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add Simkl.com as external rating site?

Smoukus opened this issue · comments

Hello, your explanation of a PR (#209 (comment)) is pointed towards new sites.

However Simkl.com is more like Lettereboxd and Trakt.
I'd like that site added if possible.

I don't mind creating a PR myself if you let me know what should be done differently than above linked issue.

I'm open to any questions.

Dupe of #175

Personally I don't see a point in those ratings, it's like buying another same watch which has lower accuracy...

I don't mind you adding PR with those ratings.

I understand what you mean, and perhaps I have phrased the issue poorly.

I am mainly interested in that site so that I can quickly jump to that page on simkl so that I can add it to a watchlist for example.
Letterboxd button jumps instantly to that corresponding page on Letterboxd. Then I'm able to add the movie for example in the watchlist.
I'd like to do the same with Simkl. I am not really interested in ratings because as you've said, there are other sources for that that are more precise.

Simkl is already added, you can find it at the icon sites section.

Oh, didn't notice it. Thanks a bunch!