Purfview / IMDb-Scout-Mod

Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads

Home Page:https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407284-imdb-scout-mod

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Request: Search icon for libraries using Bibliocommons

alcoolfire opened this issue · comments

Bibliocommons is used by a very large number of library systems, many of which carry a large collection of film/TV content. It would be great if IMDB Scout Mod provided a Bibliocommons search icon, but it would need to be parameterized. For example, these are all valid searches for the same film, but different library systems:


A user-specified setting would be needed to set a new URL parameter for an arbitrary local library prefix ("ssfpl", "skokielibrary", or "epl" for the above examples). Just for argument's sake, I'll call the parameter %biblio_prefix%. I might not have this right, but then add a new entry something like the following?

  {   'name': 'Bibliocommons Local Library',
      'searchUrl': 'https://%biblio_prefix%.bibliocommons.com/v2/search?query=%search_string_orig%&searchType=title',
      'showByDefault': false},

I just used a lossily compressed version of the generic Bibliocommons icon. Ideally there'd be a way to customize those 'name' and 'icon' values according to the specific library's name and logo too, but I guess that would be a much bigger ask.

Just add the library you are using.

Just add the library you are using.

Fair enough. I don't fancy advertising my jurisdiction quite that narrowly on a public forum like this, so I'll hold off on doing that for now.

OK, then closing this.