Purfview / IMDb-Scout-Mod

Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads

Home Page:https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407284-imdb-scout-mod

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No JSON in response for Sonarr v4 beta

azuravian opened this issue · comments

I am getting No JSON in response for Sonarr. Radarr is working fine.

Radarr is version
Sonarr is version

I'm guessing this is due to me using Sonarr v4, which is still in development. Is there any possibility of supporting this, or allowing me to disable that error notification?

Is new API backwards compatible? If not then I will look at it only after stable v4 release.

It appears that all API calls still reference v3, but I'm not sure of any changes that may have been made along the way.

Added support for Sonarr-v4 in v19.5.