Purfview / Discogs-Scout

Adds links to Discogs pages from various sites. Auto search for music on torrent, local drive, ddl, streaming, predb, and other sites. Does multi auto-search on Artist/Discography/Release/Wantlist/List/Collection/Label pages. Auto search local HDDs/filelists using Voidtools Everything search engine.

Home Page:https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/439452-discogs-scout

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Discogs - Cart

magnaux opened this issue · comments

possible support cart page too ?

Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 03-32-36 Shopping Cart
Screenshot 2022-09-01 at 03-16-12 Shopping Cart

thanks alot!

also if there could be a Create Request that could fill in release details <3

and also if possible to Search Artist or album name or Label , when clicking on each

also if there could be a Create Request that could fill in release details <3

What this means?

and also if possible to Search Artist or album name or Label , when clicking on each

I've no idea what this means too.

also if there could be a Create Request that could fill in release details <3

What this means?

Create Request on RED,

and also if possible to Search Artist or album name or Label , when clicking on each

I've no idea what this means too.

Clicking on Artist or album or Label on discogs to take me straight to RED search instead

This script is for Discogs only, not for RED or any other site.

You don't need "Cart" page support anymore?

i need , if possible, thanks!!

I don't have "these items got away" section, I added bunch of stuff to cart so maybe after month or two I'll start seeing it. :)

But maybe it's better to add support for "sell" url instead, that's were it leads if you press links on those albums, and those pages looks similar to the already supported pages?

Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 03-32-36 Shopping Cart

you mean here ?

Also have been coming across more :
Screenshot 2022-09-10 at 17-55-21 Browse Torrents Redacted
Screenshot 2022-09-10 at 17-54-47 Otaku Records (2)

you mean here ?

I meant your second screen in the first post.

Also have been coming across more :

I've no idea what this means.

Also is possible add option skip check if Rating = (option to select how many stars ) or Note = .......... just to make it a little faster when checking 250 rels per page on wantlist view (i am using rating system to mark what exists / owned / non exist )

This is not related to this issue/request, open a new one.
Probably possible, dunno when I'll check it.

On discogs release has EP on site it doesnt ... maybe just dont add "EP" on search ... or add option for words not to use

photo 2 discogs (shows yellow)
photo 1 site (release with out "EP")

Also have been coming across more :

I've no idea what this means.

hi, any progress ? :)

It's not ready for me to looked at it, yet:

I don't have "these items got away" section, I added bunch of stuff to cart so maybe after month or two I'll start seeing it.

how about what is added in the cart before check out ?

Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 03-32-36 Shopping Cart

Didn't looked at it, waiting till I can see all stuff on that page.