PulkitRapidInnovation / grpc-nest-gql-seed

It is about gRPC multi microservice example which involves use of GraphQL and mongoDB(cluster) as primary Database. In this example the microservices interact with the grpc client that acts as an inteface for the Server side in this case, Api-Gateway. and helps to carry out the functionalities defined for a specific microservice. it demonstrates the creation of gRPC microservice and how to use it in our application.

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NestJs gRPC and GraphQL Seed



gRPC is the concept of defining a service in terms of functions (methods) that can be called remotely. For each method, we define the parameters and return types. Services, parameters, and return types are defined in .proto files using Google's open source language-neutral protocol buffers mechanism.

  • To start building gRPC-based microservices, we need to install the packages mentioned below:
    • npm i --save @grpc/grpc-js @grpc/proto-loader As other Nest microservices transport layer implementations, you select the gRPC transporter mechanism using the transport property of the options object passed to the createMicroservice() method. In the following example, we'll set up a microservice. The options property provides metadata about that service; its properties are described below.

Creating Microservice


async function() {
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice<MicroserviceOptions>(AppModule, {
  transport: Transport.GRPC,
  options: {
    url: 'localhost:6600',
    package: 'microservicename',
    protoPath: join(__dirname, 'microservicename/microservicename.proto'),


  • Package - Protobuf package name (matches package setting from .proto file). Required
  • ProtoPath - Absolute (or relative to the root dir) path to the .proto file. Required
  • Url - Connection url. String in the format ip address/dns name:port (for example, 'localhost:50051') defining the address/port on which the transporter establishes a connection. Optional. Defaults to 'localhost:5000'
  • ProtoLoader - NPM package name for the utility to load .proto files. Optional.Defaults to '@grpc/proto-loader'
  • Loader - @grpc/proto-loader options. These provide detailed control over the behavior of .proto files.
  • Credentials - Server credentials.

How gRPC works?

In gRPC, there is gRPC server, gRPC client and protocol buffers.

  • Server - The services implement an interface and run a gRPC server to handle client calls. Each server runs over a localhost connection with a port or a host domain.
  • Client - Other applications that intend to use the functionalities provided by a gRPC server run a gRPC client which connects to the gRPC server and provides those methods or functionalities locally. Client takes the URL to the gRPC server to which it needs to connect.
  • Protocol buffers - Protocol Buffer, a.k.a. Protobuf is the most commonly used IDL (Interface Definition Language) for gRPC. It's where you basically store your data and function contracts in the form of a proto file. We use .proto files for each microservice at both the client and server end. We have stored these files in _proto folders for each module or application as required.

For Example:

User Microservice (gRPC Server)

User microservice works as a gRPC server and can be accessed by a gRPC client at localhost:6000.


async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(AppModule, {
    transport: Transport.GRPC,
    options: {
      url: `${process.env.USER_SERVER_URL}:${process.env.USER_MSC_PORT}`, // localhost:6001
      package: "users",
      protoPath: join(__dirname, "./_proto/user.proto"), // path to protofile for user
      loader: {
        enums: String,
        objects: true,
        arrays: true,
        keepCase: true,
        Number(process.env.GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES) || 21000000,
        Number(process.env.GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES) || 21000000,

  app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe());
  await app.listenAsync();

Api Gateway (gRPC Client)

User microservice works as a gRPC client and Connects with User microservice at localhost:6000.


export const UserServiceClientOptions: ClientOptions = {
  transport: Transport.GRPC,
  options: {
    url: `${process.env.USER_SVC_URL}:${process.env.USER_SVC_PORT}`, // localhost:6000
    package: "users",
    protoPath: join(__dirname, "../_proto/user.proto"), // path to protofile for user
    loader: {
      enums: String,
      objects: true,
      arrays: true,
      keepCase: true,
      Number(process.env.GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES) || 21000000,
      Number(process.env.GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES) || 21000000,

Now, An instance of User Service can be created wherever we need to call any function from user service.


  private readonly userServiceClient: ClientGrpc;

  private userService: any;

  onModuleInit() {
    this.userService = this.userServiceClient.getService<any>('UserService');

For more detailed information, visit https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/grpc.

Brief Architecture Overview

We have created microservices using nestjs [nestjs.com] and gRPC. We have following components in our solution -

  • api-gateway (main entry point API for aggregating microservices)
  • user-service (microservice)
  • admin-service (microservice)

Api Gateway

Api-gateway provides a common interface for all microservices. It serves as a Rest API server and a GraphQL Server for the frontend client.

  • It serves as a Rest API server.
  • It serves as a GraphQL server.
  • Performs Authentication and Authorization. This example uses (MongoDB) cluster as an instance for all microservices.


Microservices interact with the grpc client in the api gateway in order to perform any specific functionality.

User MicroService

User microservice is responsible for providing services for user profile management and authentication. It primarily interacts with the users collection of the database.

Admin Microservice

Admin microservice is responsible for providing services for Admin Dashboard. transactions. It interacts with the dashboardvariables collection of the database. This whole system uses a MongoDB Atlas as primary database.

Scheduler Microservice

Scheduler microservice is an independent service. It is responsible for maintaining a Job queue used that can be used to schedule events which can trigger some kind of work like call a webhook or invoke a function. It uses a sorted set in Redis for implementing the Job queue. In our applications, it is used by collection microservice for scheduling collections for publishing, expiring auctions and auction offers for components and NFTs at a specific time.

  • It uses a sorted set in Redis for implementing the Job queue.
  • Runs a cron job every 10 seconds and triggers all events that should have been triggered.
  • Creating new event triggers via webhook.
Create Event
  POST /scheduler/create-event
Parameter Type Description
scheduledDate string Required. Date and Time in ISO string format
type string Required. A string to classify events for specific purpose
id string Required. Unique id to call your webhooks with.

API Reference

User Object

Field name Field Type
first_name string
last_name string
email string
username string
password string
isEmailVerfied boolean
appleId string
twoFactorAuth boolean
role string
status string
socialDiscord string
socialTelegram string
socialTwitter string
socailInstagram string
socailYoutube string
socialTiktok string
socialTwitch string
mobile string
profileImageUrl string
_id string
createdAt string
updatedAt string
isProfileUpdated boolean
isBlocked boolean
stripe_account_id string
kyc_status string
kyc_applicant_id string


Name Type Description Payload Response
login Mutation to login a user emailorUsername: string, password: string User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
listUsers Query to fetch list of users userId: string, sortBy: string, sortOrder: number, limit: number, offset: number, status: string, isBlocked: boolean, mobile: string, username: string, email: string, name: string, isEmailVerfied: boolean, isProfileUpdated: boolean, twoFactorAuth: boolean, role: string, totaluser:int, User[]
updateUser Mutation to update user isBlocked: boolean, first_name: string, last_name: string, email: string, username: string, socialTelegram: string, socialDiscord: string, profileImageUrl: string, status: string User, message: string
createUser Mutation to create users email: string, username: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, password: string User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
register-captcha Mutation to register captcha N/A message: captcha-registered created
health Query to test functioning of specific api's N/A message: string
findOneByEmailOrUsername Mutation to fetch user via email or username email: string, username: string User
updateProfile Mutation to update profile of an user isBlocked: boolean, currentPassword: string, newPassword: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, username: string, socialTelegram: string, socialDiscord: string, socialTwitter: string, socailInstagram: string, socailYoutube: string, socialTiktok: string, socialTwitch: string, mobile: string, twoFactorAuth: string, status: string message: profile updated


Name Type Description Payload Response
login Mutation to login a user emailorUsername: string, password: string User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
listUsers Query to fetch list of users userId: string, sortBy: string, sortOrder: number, limit: number, offset: number, status: string, isBlocked: boolean, mobile: string, username: string, email: string, name: string, isEmailVerfied: boolean, isProfileUpdated: boolean, twoFactorAuth: boolean, role: string, totaluser: int, user []
updateUser Mutation to update user isBlocked: boolean, first_name: string, last_name: string, email: string, username: string, socialTelegram: string, socialDiscord: string, profileImageUrl: string, status: string message: user updated
createUser Mutation to create users email: string, username: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, password: string User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
uploadUserProfilePicture Mutation to upload user profile picture imageUrl: string message: profile picture updated
updateProfile Mutation to update profile of an user isBlocked: boolean, currentPassword: string, newPassword: string, first_name: string, last_name: string, username: string, socialTelegram: string, socialDiscord: string, socialTwitter: string, socailInstagram: string, socailYoutube: string, socialTiktok: string, socialTwitch: string, mobile: string, twoFactorAuth: string, status: string message: profile updated
getBalance Query to fetch balance of an user N/A amount: float, assetCode: string
getUserById Query to fetch user by userId userId: string User
getUsersByFilters Query to fetch filtered users userId: string, sortBy: string, sortOrder: number, limit: number, offset: number, status: string, isBlocked: boolean, mobile: string, username: string, email: string, name: string, role: string totalusers: int, Users[]
createCharge Mutation to create charge id: string, chargeName: string, chargeDescription: string, pricingType: string, kind: string, amount: string, fee: string, assetCode: string, from: string, platform: string, createdAt: string message: charge created
createStripeAccount Mutation to create Stripe Account returnUrl: string message: string, accountLink: string
createPaymentIntent Mutation to create Payement Intent amount: string client secret: string
checkBalance Query to check Balance assetCode: string amount: float, withheldAmount: string, assetCode: string
topUpWallet Mutation to topup wallet paymentMethod: string, amount: string client_secret: String , coinbase_charge_url: String, transactionId :String, message: String
topUpWalletConfirm Mutation to confirm if wallet is topped up paymentMethod: string, transactionId: string, transactionHash: string message: topup done confirmed
listTransactions Mutation to list transactions kind: string, sortBy: string, sortOrder: number, limit: number, offset: number, type: string, status: string, assetCode: string, refunded: string, platform: string totalTransaction: int, transactions
twoFactorOtp Mutation to login using emailId or otp email: string, otp: string forTask, message, expiresIn
twoFactorVerify Mutation to verify two factor email: string, otp: string User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
googleLogin Mutation to login using google email, first_name, last_name, name, imageUrl, accessToken User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
appleLogin Mutation to login using apple id code: string, id_token: string User, refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
appleRefreshToken Mutation to refresh apple token refreshToken: string refreshToken, Token, message, expiresIn
sendEmailOtp Query send otp to the email id email: string forTask, message, expiresIn
verifyEmailOtp Mutation to verify email via otp email: string, otp: string User, Token, message, expiresIn
forgotPasswordOtp Mutation sends otp to the email id email: string, otp: string, password: string forTask, message, expiresIn
getLoggedInUser Query to fetch logged in users first_name: string, last_name: string, email: string, username: string, password: string, isEmailVerfied: boolean, appleId: string, twoFactorAuth: boolean, role: string, status: string, socialDiscord: string, socialTelegram: string, socialTwitter: string, socailInstagram: string, socailYoutube: string, socialTiktok: string, socialTwitch: string, mobile: string, profileImageUrl: string, _id: string, createdAt: string, updatedAt: string, isBlocked: boolean, stripe_account_id: string, kyc_status: string, kyc_applicant_id: string, User
resetPassword Mutation to reset password current password: string, new password: string message: string
forgotPassword Mutation to reset password email: string, otp: string, password: string message: string
checkEmail Mutation to verify the email userId: string, newEmail: string message: string
checkUsername Mutation to verify the username username: string message: string

Environment variables

Name Description
PORT Port to API gateway
BASE_URL Base URL to Api Gatewat
PASSWORD to create users
USER_SVC_URL domain to user microservice
USER_SVC_PORT port to user microservice
USER_MSC_PORT port to user microservice
USER_SERVER_URL domain to user microservice
ADMIN_MSC_PORT port to admin microservice
ADMIN_SERVER_URL domain to admin microservice
WALLET_SVC_PORT port to wallet microservice
WALLET_SVC_URL domain to wallet microservice
ADMIN_EMAIL default admin email
ADMIN_USERNAME default admin username
ADMIN_PASSWORD default admin password
ADMIN_FIRST_NAME default admin first name
ADMIN_LAST_NAME default admin last name
GRPC_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES maximum grpc message size
SENTRY_DSN DSN to sentry account
APPLE_CLIENT_ID Apple Auth client id
APPLE_REDIRECT_URL Apple Auth - redirect webhook URL to verify auth
APPLE_TEAM_ID Apple Auth team id
APPLE_RSA_KEY_NAME Apple Auth RSA file name .p8
AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY AWS account access key
AWS_S3_KEY_SECRET AWS account secret key
AWS_S3_BUCKET AWS S3 bucket name
CREATE_CHARGE_URL coinbase create Charge API URL
COINBASE_API_KEY coinbase commerce API Token
COINBASE_WEBHOOK_SECRET coinbase commerce Auth Secret
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY Stripe connect publishable key
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Stripe connect secret key
SCHEDULER_MSC_PORT Port to Scheduler microservice
GEETEST_ID Geetest account id
GEETEST_KEY Geetest account API Token for catcha v3



  1. Now move into the "api-gateway" using cd api-gateway .
  2. Install all the dependencies using npm install.
  3. build the application using npm run build.
  4. Place the respective .env file if not already done.
  5. To run project in dev/watch mode run npm run start:dev
  6. To run project in prod mode run npm run start:prod


  1. cd microservices
    • admin svc
    • user svc
    • scheduler svc
  2. Now move into the respective "microservices" using cd microservices .
  3. Now repeat step 1.2 for each microservice in "microservices" directory.
  4. Place the respective .env file in every microservice if not already done.
  5. build the application using npm run build for every microservice.
  6. to run project in dev/watch mode run npm run start:dev for every microservice.
  7. to run project in prod mode run npm run start:prod for every microservice.

Third Party Services

  • Authentication - Apple and Google SSO.
  • KYC - Onfido
  • Captcha - Geetest
  • Emails - Sendgrid
  • Stripe
  • coinbase commerce
  • AWS S3




It is about gRPC multi microservice example which involves use of GraphQL and mongoDB(cluster) as primary Database. In this example the microservices interact with the grpc client that acts as an inteface for the Server side in this case, Api-Gateway. and helps to carry out the functionalities defined for a specific microservice. it demonstrates the creation of gRPC microservice and how to use it in our application.


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