Pshellvon / nginx-lua

NGINX with LUA dockerized

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Dockerised Nginx, with Lua module, built from source

The docker image is based on the manual compilation instructions at ...

Useful for those who want Nginx with Lua but don't want to use OpenResty


  1. Create your own Dockerfile ...

    FROM nood/nginx-lua
    COPY /your/nginx.conf /nginx/conf/nginx.conf
    COPY /your/index.html /nginx/html/index.html
  2. Add this location block to your nginx.conf file

    location /helloops {
        content_by_lua '
            ngx.header["Content-Type"] = "text/plain";
            ngx.say("hello OPS");

    If you don't have an nginx.conf file then use the conf file provided in the github repo

    The conf file provided is the default generated conf file with the above location block added

  3. Build your docker image

  4. Run your docker container - Remember to use -p YOUR_PORT:80 in your docker run statement

  5. Visit http://localhost:YOUR_PORT/helloops


The master branch on the github repo is watched by an automated docker build

Which builds docker image nood/nginx-lua on push to master

On success, the docker build triggers the docker repo's webhooks (if any)


APACHE LICENSE-2.0 ... In other words, please use freely and do whatever you want with it!


NGINX with LUA dockerized