Protryon / klickhouse

Rust crate for accessing Clickhouse

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to insert custom data which is hard to pre-defined

caibirdme opened this issue · comments


I'm writing a kafka consumer, it consumes message and insert those message into clickhouse according to message's meta info, like:

  "table": "ch_table_1",
  "data": [
    {"col_name": "foo", "type": "uint32", "val": "3"},
    {"col_name": "bar", "type": "string", "val": "hello"}

How do I construct the Row to insert? Didn't find any docs about this

The ideal way is to use the Row derive macro if the structure is static. In the recent string of releases, I added RawRow and UnitValue structs. RawRow functions identically to that in tokio-postgres, while UnitValue functions the same, but to receive a single statically defined column (i.e. a UInt64 from a count operation).

Since your format doesn't look static, RawRow would be the way to go... alas, but I didn't add support to write to the RawRow. I'll push an update shortly.

I just published v0.7.2 which includes some utility functions to create and write a RawRow.
It can be used as such:

let mut row = RawRow::default();
row.set("col1", 5u64);
row.set_typed("col2", Type::UInt64, 5u64);
client.insert_into_block("...", vec![row]);

If you want custom column based operations, I don't have a clean API for those yet, but working with the raw Block type is the way to go. (at the time of posting, has not yet built docs for the version I just published, but this link should work in short order)