Protryon / klickhouse

Rust crate for accessing Clickhouse

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Bug:the From Trait Wront Impl for kilickhouse::DateTime and Chrono::DateTime

csh0101 opened this issue · comments

hello,my bro.i'm a beginner on Rust,so maybe something i say sounds childrens,on your eyes..

I want to conver a standard datatime "2022-04-22 00:00:00" convert to the klickhouse::DateTime.
it should be okay,but failed. During finding the bug step by step, I write a test for this.

    fn test_consistency_with_convert_for_str() {
        let test_date = "2022-04-22 00:00:00";

        let dt = chrono::NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(test_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").unwrap();

        let chrono_date =
            chrono::DateTime::<Tz>::from_utc(dt, chrono_tz::UTC.offset_from_utc_datetime(&dt));

        let date = DateTime(UTC, dt.timestamp() as u32);

        let new_chrono_date: chrono::DateTime<Tz> = date.into();

        assert_eq!(new_chrono_date, chrono_date);

also,there have two test before in the file src/values/ confrim the old impl for From cant not pass this test_case.