ProtocolSupport / ProtocolSupport

Support 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.11, 1.10, 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4.7 clients on Spigot/Paper 1.18.1

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ProtocolSupport fps dropping for 1.8 users

pabloalba16 opened this issue · comments

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My issue with ProtocolSupport is that im using kitbattle plugin and when i respawn in the 1.8 cient version, my fps starts to drop to literally 1 or 2 for 5-10 seconds. This happens every time i respawn and its so annoying. Here's a video where you can see it more clearly:

Plugins used:

Client: (1.8.9 Optifine)

Does this happen if you respawn not in kit battle?

Yes, the fps drop is not as heavy but yeah.

Capture a video with client debug menu open (along with profiler + frame time graph) when this happens.

Where is the profier saved?? i can't find it

Profile isn't saved anywhere. Still, that's related to chunk render on load, and due to 1.8.* having issues with rendering chunks if they are sent way too fast, it has to be done with a delay, which negatively affects fps at some cases (especially on large view distances, like in your case). You can add -Dprotocolsupport.chunksend18interval=0 to jvm flags in your server startup and see if it helps, but that could cause some chunks to not render at all.

I have just tried it and does nothing. So, this is something that you can't fix or there is nothing that i can do like using a plugin or change some values to lower the impact??

Yeah, 99% chances that i can't do anything in that case. You can lower your server view distance to reduce the load, but that's it.
So yeah, generally it's a very very low priority thing, so unless somebody else somehow finds the root issue that's unlikely to get fixed (if it is possible to fix in the first place).

btw sometimes when i enter my server i see this:

Chunk dissapear

also i can't see when someone shots, arrow doesnt appear in 1.8

Chunk hasn't loaded/rendered yet by 1.8. If that chunks doesn't render even after some time, the value in -Dprotocolsupport.chunksend18interval must actually be increased to something like 10 or even 20.
Arrow issues are tracked in separate issue.

Where do i change that value to 10 or 20 if protocolsupport doesnt generate a config.yml??

And in terms of the arrow issue, do i open another issue?

That's a system property. You are supposed to change it by adding the system property flag to your jvm startup parameters.

For me it doesn't seem to fix the issue. It only happens when joining the server, if you go to skywars or another map it loads correctly and if u go back to the spawn, spawn doesn't load with missing chunks anymore. Its only when you enter

Then you can only reduce the view distance to 5 or 6, 1.8 client has an issue rendering chunks under unknown conditions and that can't be fixed.

Damn.. ok.

Also bossbar doesnt work for 1.8 server i mean, your bossbar implementation

it gives me an error sometimes in console

Yep. PSLS isn't updated to 1.17.1 yet.

oh ok so i will wait