PromtEngineer / localGPT

Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private.

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KeyError: 'Cache only has 0 layers, attempted to access layer with index 0'

WindyOrgUK opened this issue · comments

Not sure which package/version causes the problem as I had all working perfectly before on Ubuntu 20.04 with RTX 3090 GPU.
I then tried to reinstall localGPT from scratch and now keep getting the following for GPTQ models.

Exactly the same error when I just tried the freshly built docker:

2024-01-11 19:23:27,421 - INFO - - Load pretrained SentenceTransformer: hkunlp/instructor-large
2024-01-11 19:43:22,290 - INFO - - Loading Model: TheBloke/Wizard-Vicuna-7B-Uncensored-GPTQ, on: cuda
2024-01-11 19:43:22,290 - INFO - - This action can take a few minutes!
2024-01-11 19:43:22,290 - INFO - - Using AutoGPTQForCausalLM for quantized models

and when the system runs and I send my first prompt, I get:

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/", line 78, in getitem
raise KeyError(f"Cache only has {len(self)} layers, attempted to access layer with index {layer_idx}")
KeyError: 'Cache only has 0 layers, attempted to access layer with index 0'

I did further tests.

  1. All python version uninstalled and all local python packages deleted and all pip caches deleted.
  2. New user created (so no issues with user's .cache folder possile)
  3. Python 3.10 installed from scratch
  4. localGPT installed from scratch
  5. First start with default using llama-cpp based model - all works OK
  6. First start with using GPTQ model - same eror:

File "/home/ai/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/", line 78, in getitem
raise KeyError(f"Cache only has {len(self)} layers, attempted to access layer with index {layer_idx}")
KeyError: 'Cache only has 0 layers, attempted to access layer with index 0'

Encountering the same issue, have you got the fix for this?

I am facing this as well. Something to do with transformers library. If anyone solved it please share the solution. I will try to rollback to previous version for now.