Project-OSRM / osrm-frontend

Modular rewrite of the OSRM frontend using LRM

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No offline map?

Zakalicious opened this issue · comments

I have installed the Docker osrm-backend and frontend. I can generate a route with the front-end when I am offline, but I do not see a map.
Where do the tiles come from?
What can i do to see a map?

Hi @Zakalicious

The tiles are downloaded from external services such as MapBox, and
So the OSRM frontend needs to be online.

If you wish to work offline, I guess you need to :

  1. create your own local tile server:
  2. configure to use your own tile server:
    layer: [{
    'Mapbox Streets': streets,
    'Mapbox Outdoors': outdoors,
    'Mapbox Streets Satellite': satellite,
    '': osm,
    '': osm_de

Thank you, very helpful!