Project-OSRM / osrm-frontend

Modular rewrite of the OSRM frontend using LRM

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GerfriedC opened this issue · comments

Should the docker installation work with the WSL and ubuntu 18.04?
complains about daemon...

@GerfriedC You're going to have to supply more information than that - is there a specific error message displayed somewhere? Can you paste it here?

I don't personally know of anyone using the OSRM Docker image with WSL, but it doesn't do anything particularly special, so I don't know why it wouldn't work if Docker normally works with WSL.

(For others reading, WSL = )

@GerfriedC, perhaps helpful, I recently wrote up some notes in a gist for WSL users trying to run OSRM. I have tested this with a scratch build on Windows 10 with WSL 18.04.

If you are getting an error message complaining about a daemon, my guess would be that you are not running the background process required to run docker (saw a similar error recently).