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[BUG] When using iOS ModalPresentationStyles that can be automatically dismissed, navigation service gets out of sync & stops working with NavigationPage

Axemasta opened this issue · comments


This is the issue I have been discussing in the discord.

When working with a modal navigation page, where the page in question has the following iOS specific presentation style:


Closing the popover by using the iOS swipe gesture (using Prism to close the modal works as intended), will cause the navigation service to lock up.

I have investigated with a local sample connected to the prism source code and the following happens:

  • Prism does not know the current page has been dismissed & holds a reference to it
  • The first time you call the navigation service, there will be an error output in the console:
[Presentation] Attempt to present <Microsoft_Maui_Controls_Platform_ControlsModalWrapper: 0x107931000> on <Microsoft_Maui_Controls_Platform_ControlsModalWrapper: 0x1087425e0> (from <Microsoft_Maui_Controls_Handlers_Compatibility_NavigationRenderer: 0x10c842400>) whose view is not in the window hierarchy.
  • Subsequent calls to the navigation service get deadlocked because the original semaphore for the previous attempt doesn't get cleared, this looks like the thread actually crashes since the finally & exception blocks on NavigateAsync don't get called.

Normal content pages presented in this way are unaffected, I believe this is because prism is listening for their disappeared events which do fire.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a prism app
  2. Add a modal page to navigate to:
private async void OnNavPopover()
    var nav = await navigationService.CreateBuilder()

    if (!nav.Success)
3. Swipe the popover closed
4. Try to navigate again, nothing happens & the following warning is present in the console:

[Presentation] Attempt to present <Microsoft_Maui_Controls_Platform_ControlsModalWrapper: 0x107931000> on <Microsoft_Maui_Controls_Platform_ControlsModalWrapper: 0x1087425e0> (from <Microsoft_Maui_Controls_Handlers_Compatibility_NavigationRenderer: 0x10c842400>) whose view is not in the window hierarchy.

5. The navigation service is now soft locked and can't be used for any navigation

### Platform with bug


### Affected platforms


### Did you find any workaround?

I will be raising a PR to address this issue, if the following code is added to the `PrismNavigationPage`, `GoBackAsync` can be called after the page removal to ensure that the navigation service remains in sync with the app's page stack:
protected override async void OnDisappearing()
    var presentationStyle = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific.Page.GetModalPresentationStyle(this);

    if (presentationStyle == UIModalPresentationStyle.FullScreen)

    if (PageNavigationService.NavigationSource == PageNavigationSource.Device)
        await MvvmHelpers.HandleNavigationPageSwipedAway(this);


Relevant log output

No response

Prism iOS Modal Gif

Here is a little clip from my repro sample, you can see that as soon as I close the navigation page popover, the other commands stop working, the view model code is below & is incredibly simple:

public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public DelegateCommand NavigateCommand { get; }
    public DelegateCommand ModalCommand { get; }
    public DelegateCommand PopoverCommand { get; }
    public DelegateCommand NavPopoverCommand { get; }
    public MainViewModel(INavigationService navigationService) 
        : base(navigationService)
        Title = "Main Page";

        NavigateCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNavigate);
        ModalCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnModal);
        PopoverCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnPopover);
        NavPopoverCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNavPopover);

    private async void OnNavigate()
        var nav = await navigationService.CreateBuilder()

        if (!nav.Success)
    private async void OnModal()
        var navParams = new NavigationParameters()
            { KnownNavigationParameters.UseModalNavigation, false },

        var nav = await navigationService.CreateBuilder()

        if (!nav.Success)
    private async void OnPopover()
        var nav = await navigationService.CreateBuilder()

        if (!nav.Success)

    private async void OnNavPopover()
        var nav = await navigationService.CreateBuilder()

        if (!nav.Success)

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