PrismLibrary / Prism.Maui

This is an experimental repo. The code here will eventually be merged into the main Prism repo as a full fledged platform at which time this repo will be archived.

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Where is Prism.Maui -- When will the Beta be on

dansiegel opened this issue · comments

I'm leaving this here so that I do not continually get this question.


First and foremost I want to emphasize that for those of you who are active GitHub Sponsors, or who would like to become one and help support my efforts with Prism.Maui, each build from the PRs merged here are available immediately on the Sponsor Connect NuGet feed. For those of you who keep telling me that "I need to get Prism.Maui out because your business needs it", do remember you have the capability of making a one time or recurring Sponsorship up to $12,000. Such sponsorships would help to ensure that I can dedicate more time to Prism.Maui and help you get what you need out faster.

Public Beta

Regarding a publicly available Beta, it is planned. No I cannot give you an exact date, honestly I would have thought it would be up by now.

As many of you may know the Prism Library is leaving the .NET Foundation. As a result of Code Signing the NuGet packages that Prism has been doing for several years at the request of the Foundation, we will no longer be able to upload packages to once we leave. In order to continue to upload new builds, we have to get an updated Code Signing Certificate and update our CI Build to sign our NuGet packages for upload. This is something that we are actively working on, however going through the verification for the updated Code Signing Certificate is taking longer than initially planned. As this is something that we need to do for Prism, the Prism.Maui repo will be the first to implement these changes and serve as the proving ground to validate our updated build for the main Prism repo.

Is the Beta ready for Production

As of right now, probably not. Frankly even MAUI itself still has a number of bugs, and that number is only going to increase as libraries like Prism begin to probe MAUI's capabilities and as developers begin working through Proof of Concepts. There are still several known API's that have not been ported from Prism.Forms. Some like the Dialog Service will likely need some significant thought behind them in order to take advantage of MAUI's Window API. Others may be fairly straight forward, while yet others probably just got missed by accident.

I do encourage people to play around with the Prism.Maui API, find & report known bugs, do please contribute where you can whether it's docs, samples, or PRs to fix bugs or bring over missing APIs.

With the Merge of PR #52, the Code Signing requirement is now complete. A new public preview will be available in the very near future

The latest build is now available on