Princess-of-Sleeping / psp2wpp

A PS Vita home background wave add plugin

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Question for about more custom waves

Havocking1992 opened this issue · comments

The wave param list is statically placed in the SceShell data segment and currently only one is available. This plugin makes use of that space. A simple workaround is to overwrite the SCE original waveparams.

Can you clarify how this is done? Does it mean that i can rewrite EVERY Vita original Wave? I have bunch of cool looking mutated waves and i want to use them. Can you please explain how to do it?

I love this plugin so much, it does have future, just letting you know :)

yes. All original waves can be overwritten. I also completed a method for that, but it requires a patch for each fw.
I plan to commit the code after adding the fw offsets for major versions.

That's amazing!

It's was released as pre-release.

Copy the txt with the name in list to the same place as waveparam.txt, or rename your waveparam to the name in list and copy it to the same place as waveparam.txt. and report the results.

effects_original_01 is already implemented as the main feature of psp2wpp, so we don't need it here.

Also, sorting when wave select in shell is as follows.

	effects_original_01 (this SceReserved wave. also psp2wpp use area)

Results: It still works only as v1.0 (waveparam.txt + waveparam.bin)
Things i've tried:

  1. "iboot.txt" - does nothing
  2. "effects_default_0512_01.txt" - does nothing
  3. "effects_default_0512_01.txt" + "waveparam.txt" - does nothing
  4. "effects_default_0512_01.txt" + "waveparam.txt" + "waveparam.bin" - works, but shows only "waveparam" wave
  5. "effects_default_0512_01.txt" + "effects_default_0512_01.bin" + "waveparam.txt" + "waveparam.bin" - works, but shows only "waveparam" wave

I have tried everytime other waves (in case if it targets differene wave) and yes, switching to screen with different wave and back.

By the way when launched "psp2wpp-reload" vita freezes on black screen and Vita shuts off after while, so i've restarted Vita instead every single time i did change to files.

Naming works with "waveparam_effects_default_0512_01.txt" but freezing is obviously a bug... need fixing it

@Havocking1992 Is your vita on 3.65 HENkaku ensõ?

3.60 HENkaku ensõ

Okay finally got it working, i've just totally misunderstood your directions. Now i have "waveparam.bin", "waveparam_effects_default_0512_01.txt" and "waveparam_iboot.txt" in "data" folder, and first two waves are my custom ones! Thank you!

By the way, "psp2wpp-reload" crashes when is "waveparam.txt" present in "data" folder.

Thank you for the detailed information. There is something that fixes them, so please test them with waveparam.txt

You're welcome.

I tried the plugin you sent and everything works as it should.

I have a small suggestion for improvement: if it would be possible for the plugin to take waveparams from a subfolder (probably "ux0:data/waveparams/") and for the waveparams names to be simplified (0.txt, 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt. ....).

Thank you for testting.
And the subfolder tests are in the plugin below.

ux0:data/waveparams/%d.txt. %d is from 0 to 30.

Surprisingly I like that wave. Well, I waiting for the report of subfolder.

I have just ended testing it and it works perfectly. Thank you !

You are welcome.

Sorry to interrupt after closing issue, but I was just adding more waveparams to the plugin, and I find that some of them are mis-referencing. I thoroughly tested it, and I am sending the result:

Do some of your waveparams have unfilled values?

type Material
# not used. so comment out
# set_value color.r           0.321427
# set_value color.g           0.383927
# set_value color.b           0.446427
# set_value color.a           1.000000
set_value diffuse_coeff     0.491071
set_value specular_coeff    1.525877

None of them are commented out, they are almost identical as the one i've sent you and I haven't deleted any values.

One of them have comments after the values like this:
set_value specular_coeff 1.0 #unknown

and that wave is working without problems.

I've tried 8 waves, "0.txt" to "6.txt" is ok, but "7.txt" (which should be dark-blue) is now found on fourth wave from end (yellow-ish color), in older .suprx it was on fifth wave from end (light blue color)

Sorry, the value was off by one.

It is ok, we are slowly getting there :)
"7.txt" is now present on 26th wave (torquise color), but it should be on dark-blue color, which is 9th wave.

This is should work now.

Yes, it works. I will test other 24 waves, i'll report back after while.

All the way from "0.txt" to "30.txt" it works as supposed to. Thank you very much!

By the way when i rename/delete ".txt"
file and launch "psp2wpp-reload", it does not refresh corresponding wave to default one, until vita restarts.

I have little question; wave icons in "select window" can be changed so they match reality? If yes then please how to do that?

The default waveparam is literally overwritten, so it stays there until you reboot.

There is already a select window color change, but this would require an offset per fw. Please wait a moment to add them.


Lines 51 to 59 in 12ac513

case 0xB45216F4: // Tool 3.72-I
select_wave_color = (SceFColor *)(data + (0x815442B0 - 0x81532000)); // 0x122B0
sceClibPrintf("%s fingerprint 0x%08X\n", "SceShell", moduleInfo.module_nid);
select_wave_color = NULL;

Allright, thank you.

We have released v1.1.2 with these fixes. And if you want to apply a color to the select add the following parameter to your waveparam.txt.

If you have any problems, open iusse again. Thank you.

type Select
set_value selecter[0].r           0.500000
set_value selecter[0].g           0.000000
set_value selecter[0].b           0.000000
set_value selecter[0].a           1.000000
set_value selecter[1].r           0.9
set_value selecter[1].g           0.2
set_value selecter[1].b           0.1
set_value selecter[1].a           1.000000

i've discovered that those parameters does not work in "waveparam.txt", but they work in other waves. But they work half-way somewhat. selecter[0] changes bottom line with according color, but selecter[1] seems to have twisted values. If i set selecter[1].r, selecter[1].g, selecter[1].b all to 1, i see torquise color

*i see torquise color on top, instead of white. Sorry, message got sent before i ended it.

Thanks again for finding the bug. It seems the value of select[1].r is not applied.
Wrong reference indeed.

wave_map_entry(wave_param, selecter[0].r),
wave_map_entry(wave_param, selecter[1].g),
wave_map_entry(wave_param, selecter[1].b),
wave_map_entry(wave_param, selecter[1].a)

I will soon release v1.1.3 with this fixed.

Also for now select colors in waveparam.txt is only read at boot up.

selecter colors in "waveparam.txt" still doesn't work, i've restarted vita multiple times.

selecter in other waves works.

We have released psp2wpp v1.1.4 which fixes that bug. In v1.1.3, the contents of waveparam.bin were applied.

It works! Thank you!

you are welcome. And Thank you.