PrideChung / FontAwesomeKit

Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

3.0 Road Map

PrideChung opened this issue · comments

Sorry for the absence of this project in the last year, I've been busy doing a lot of other things. Anyway, I'm back, with the whole new v3.0 road map!


FAK 3.0 would still be a pure Objective-C library so legacy projects don't need to include a large Swift runtime for just one tiny third party library. For Swift projects, to have better swift interoperability, nullability and weak genric will be added to the APIs.

Most of it's APIs should be compatible with v2.x. However, there're some design flaws in the v2.x, to fix them, minor breaking changes have to be made, so v3.0 won't be 100% compatible with v2.0.


✅ Better propery setter and getters
✅ Better initializer
✅ Immutability and thread safety
✅ Nullability and weak generic
⬜️ Use class_addMethod to dynamic create icon generating methods to reduce binary size of this library
⬜️ Rewrite code genrator in Swift (Half way done)
⬜️ 100% test coverage
⬜️ Snapshot tests
⬜️ Carthage support
⬜️ IBDesignable support
⬜️ QuickLook support
⬜️ Mac support
⬜️ Header doc icon preview url link
⬜️ Migration Guide

watchOS support ?

Exciting!! Any chance you can push version 2.2.1 to cocoapods before moving on to 3.0?