Preston-Landers / concurrent-log-handler

fork of ConcurrentLogHandler

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how can i use timed and size raotating filehandler?

ydf0509 opened this issue · comments

def log_file_namer(logger_name: str) -> str:
    # path/name.log.N
    logger_name, backup_number = logger_name.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)
    # path/name.log
    logger_name = logger_name.replace(".log", "")
    # curr_date ="%Y_%m_%d")  # noqa: DTZ011
    curr_date = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")  # noqa: DTZ011

    return f"{logger_name}_{curr_date}_({backup_number}).log"

def my_program():
    import concurrent_log_handler

    # Now for the meat of your program...
    logger = logging.getLogger("MyExample")
    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # optional to set this level here

    handler = concurrent_log_handler.ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler(
        "/pythonlogs/logger_name_testc.log", "a", maxBytes=512000, backupCount=6
    handler.namer = log_file_namer

    for idx in range(0, 500):
        print("Loop %d; logging a message." % idx)
        logger.debug("%d > A debug message.", idx)
        if idx % 2 == 0:
  "%d > An info message.", idx)
    print("Done with example; exiting.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

i means that ,

when file size should raotate file, then rotate;

when time should raotate file ,but file size is not large enough,also ratate file.

i have test handler namer function, i found that when time should taote but file size is not enough,it can not rotate file.

i means that every day should has at least one file, ignore file size whether or not reach the maxBytes.

how can i do?

The ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler class does not support time-based rotation at all. You can have a custom namer but it won't obey the rule of rolling over once per day.

I recently added support in version 0.9.23 for a separate new class ConcurrentTimedRotatingFileHandler that does support time based rotation.

It sounds like you probably want to use ConcurrentTimedRotatingFileHandler with these settings:

ConcurrentTimedRotatingFileHandler(log_path, when="d", interval=1, backupCount=6, maxBytes=0)

This would roll over the log file once per day, and would not restrict the size of the logfile for each day (maxBytes=0).

handler = concurrent_log_handler.ConcurrentTimedRotatingFileHandler(
    filename="/pythonlogs/logger_name_testc.log", mode="a", maxBytes=5, backupCount=6,when='s',
# handler.namer = log_file_namer

for idx in range(0, 500):
    print("Loop %d; logging a message." % idx)
    logger.debug("%d > A debug message.", idx)
    if idx % 2 == 0:"%d > An info message.", idx)
print("Done with example; exiting.")


thanks, ConcurrentTimedRotatingFileHandler is that need,it works good