PranabNandy / Arm-Architecture

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Lead Computational Scientist - HPC, Scientific Computing

PranabNandy opened this issue · comments

  • Seasoned Computational Scientist or Geoscientist with C++ and Numerical Computation with focus on Finite Element based codes in applied Physics/Material Science/Fluids Mechanics
  • Strong C++ skills with experience in version control git, Cake builds, CPU architecture, writing Shared memory distributed computing codes with MPI/OpenMPI, using 3rd party scientific tools like PETSc, HYPRE, boost, Qt.
  • Strong skills on HPC workflows and technologies involved.
  • Working competence on Linux
  • Cloud Computing: esp AWS; cloud solution for HPC, cloud storage
  • Containerization: Build Docker and Singularity containers for HPC applications
  • Packaging tools: Linux RPM tools, Nuget.