Praczet / note-tags.nvim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This plugin is deprecated which means I won't change anything.. There is a simillar plugin that I wrote, doing the same, by instead keeping tags in #tag format it keeps them in YAML section, tags:

See: yaml-tags.nvim

And this is my only the second plugin for neovim (or rather for LunarVim) and also my second script in lua so... Do not hit, just explain!


The main idea behind this plugin is to be able go thru #tags (just words with the # at the beginning) that are added in my notes file. As I was not able to make a decision which approach to take for searching for tags I created for both (separator | wholeFile)

  • Separator - is a model where note-tags gets tags from file after a line with separator.
  • wholeFile - is a model where note-tags gets tags from file not matter where they appear

General usage if this plugin could be described as:

  • Displaying list of tags :Tags
  • Displaying list of notes :Notes
  • Adding tags to current buffer (from previewer <CR>)
  • Displaying Notes for a selected tag (from previewer <C-n>)
  • Adding new tag (from previewer <C-a>)

Installation (not ready)


You can configure:

  • notes_folder - Folder with notes, if you sets it as '' it will take current working folder
  • read_tag_method - Method how plugin reads tags:
    • separator - it will reads tags after line with separator
    • wholeFile - it will looks for tags in file
  • tags_separator - separator default: it is needed when read_tag_method = seperator
  config = function()
      notes_folder    = "~/Notes",     -- optional (default: current folder)
      read_tag_method = "separator",   -- optional (default: separator)
      separator       = "<!--tags-->", -- optional (default: <!--tags-->)


Displaying all notes

To display all notes from the folder and be able to preview then with glow:

:Notes or <leader>nn

All notes

If glow is not isnatlled a note will be just displayed wuth cat

Displaying Tags

To display all Tags' list:

:Tags or <leader>nt

List of Tags

In the previewer will be displayed a list of notes for selected tag.

From this place you can:

  1. Enter a tag to buffer <CR> - will add selected tag
  2. Enter a new tag to buffer <C-a> - adds a new tag based on input in finder
  3. Display list of notes for selected tag <C-n>

Displaying Notes for selected tag

Notes for tag git

from this place you can

  1. Open Selected Note <CR>
  2. Go back to tags' list <C-t>

Added tags in the Note

By default (if method is set for "separator") and separator = <!--tags--> you can see tags at the bottom of note.

Note's tag preview

From the buffer in normal mode you can add a new note by <leader>na


  • Change behavior of enter in Picker instead of closing should stay open
  • Add Mapping for control + O to open notes filtered by tag
  • Add reading data from config, which I have no Idea how
  • Add Mapping for leader n
    • Add mapping for <C-a> to create new tag
    • Add mapping for <C-t> - Tags
    • Add mapping for <C-n> - Notes
    • Add proper way to name Group (for <leader>n)
  • Add it as extension of Telescope
  • Fill this file (
    • Introduction
    • Installation
    • Screenshots
    • Usage



Language:Lua 100.0%