Power-Components / livewire-powergrid

⚡ PowerGrid generates modern, powerful and easy-to-customize data tables using Laravel Livewire.

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Striped feature and TailwindStriped Helper

esshevelev opened this issue · comments

Have you searched through other issues to see if your problem is already reported or has been fixed?

Yes, I did not find it.

Did you read the documentation?

Yes, I did not find it.

Have you tried to publish the views?

Yes - I didn't work.

Is there an error in the console?


PHP Version








Alpine JS

No response


Tailwind 3.x

Describe the bug.

I'm trying to use the line highlighting feature. I took the code from the example:

But there is no file with the class "App\Helpers\PowerGridThemes\TailwindStriped;" in app folder.


What could be the problem?

To Reproduce...

First click on "FOO" then....

Extra information


The "TailwindStriped" is a custom theme. You can read more about custom themes here.

You can create a new class in your application, let's useApp\Support\TailwindStriped as an example.

Copy the content from the demo repository App\Helpers\PowerGridThemes\TailwindStriped in this class:


namespace App\Support;

use PowerComponents\LivewirePowerGrid\Themes\Components\Table;
use PowerComponents\LivewirePowerGrid\Themes\Tailwind;
use PowerComponents\LivewirePowerGrid\Themes\Theme;

class TailwindStriped extends Tailwind
    public function table(): Table
        return Theme::table('min-w-full dark:bg-neutral-800')
            ->div('rounded-t-lg relative border-x border-t border-pg-primary-200 dark:bg-pg-primary-700 dark:border-pg-primary-600')
            ->thead('shadow-sm rounded-t-lg bg-pg-primary-200 dark:bg-gray-900')
            ->trFilters('bg-white shadow-sm dark:bg-pg-primary-800')
            ->th('font-semibold px-2 pr-4 py-3 text-left text-xs font-semibold text-pg-primary-700 tracking-wider whitespace-nowrap dark:text-pg-primary-300')
            ->trBody('odd:bg-neutral-100 hover:odd:bg-neutral-200 dark:odd:bg-pg-primary-700 dark:hover:odd:bg-pg-primary-900 border-b border-pg-primary-100 dark:border-pg-primary-600 hover:bg-pg-primary-50 dark:bg-pg-primary-800 dark:hover:bg-pg-primary-800')
            ->tdBody('pl-[19px] px-3 py-2 whitespace-nowrap dark:text-pg-primary-200')
            ->tdBodyEmpty('px-3 py-2 whitespace-nowrap dark:text-pg-primary-200')
            ->tdBodyTotalColumns('px-3 py-2 whitespace-nowrap dark:text-pg-primary-200 text-sm text-pg-primary-600 text-right space-y-2');

You are welcome to modify this theme as you wish.

Then, in your component, you do:


namespace App\Livewire;

final class MyTable
    public function template(): ?string
        return \App\Support\TailwindStriped::class;

    // ...